Snakebite dream meaning

To dream that you have come into contact with venom, perhaps through a snakebite is an indication that you are currently bottling up emotion such as anger and disappointment. You are beginning to despise those around you are no longer able to contain it. (read all at source)

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Your True Tales - January 2006 - Page 10 - History of Abductions
Disturbing Premonition - Your True Tales - May 2007 - Page 10
Avoiding Snakebites
Visions of the 9/11 Attack
Want to Quit Your Job But Can't - Here's What to Do When You Want to Quit Your Job But Can't... (read all at source)

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snake charmer, snake dance, snake doctor, snake eyes, snake feeder, snake fence, snake fern, snake god, snake in the grass, snake mackerel, snake muishond, snake oil, snake palm, snake pit, snake plant, snake polypody, Snake River, snake venom, snake wood, snakeberry, snakebird, snakebite,... (read all at source)

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