dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Dreaming that you are having difficulty breathing and are in danger of dying as a result may carry important messages for the dreamer. (read all at source)
See: Smothering
Church top list
Dreaming about being in a church is more common than most people realize. Each week I get several requests to add church to the dictionary. This may be so due to the fact that most of us went to church as children. (read all at source)
(If the water is pressing on you or you are panicking, etc.) A feeling of overwhelm or mental/emotional smothering
The environment of your inner life at the time of the dream (for example, clear water could represent clarity of thought or feeling, and murky water could represent confusion)... (read all at source)
It seems that you need to find a middle ground, somewhere between neglect (mouse dies) and smothering with attention (parakeets disappear). Your mind's been working on the problem, but maybe the main problem is that you're worrying too much about it. (read all at source)
impatient feeling frustrated; going along at someone else's slower pace; you have been smothering or dampening your natural enthusiasm. What are you worried about not getting done in time and what is the hurry? (read all at source)
To dream about menopause, suggests that you are smothering the people around you. You need to be less codependent.
Menorah... (read all at source)
muzzy, nasal, negation, nullification, obstacle, obstipation, obstructing, obstruction, obstructive, obstruent, occlusive, purge, putting out, quashing, quavering, quenching, repressive, restrictive, rooting out, sealing off, serum death, shaking, shaky, silencing, smotheration, smothering, snuffing,... (read all at source)