A slug, similar to a snail without a shell, can represent:
Slowness, or slow to change
Steadiness, patience, perseverance
Changeable or malleable in form, thought, feeling, or otherwise
Leaving a residue, trail, evidence, or other aftermath
Sluggishness or perceived laziness... (read all at source)
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I had a dream that there was this weird looking slug! Like three feet weird looking. People outside wanted it bur I said it was mine. I thought it might be rare or somethin special soi brought it in the house. It turned into some kind of dragon creature. Light blueish color. (read all at source)
There is a slug moving around me. A bee comes near me but I avoid it. I am in some long room. It appears to have lots of people. There is Terry Marsh there. He is dressed in some very odd clothes. He has a jumper on and a weird hat. I am then in some car in the back seat. There are some TVs there. (read all at source)
SLUG dream interpretations
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Dispute... (read all at source)
Slug - Elimination system, colon.
Snail - Digestive, elimination system, colon (more)
Snake - Positive role: counselor; Negative role: threat of cancer... (read all at source)
poor creature, poor devil, posterior, prat, prowl, punk, purr, putrid, ragamuffin, ragman, ragpicker, ramble, range, roam, rotten, rounder, rove, rum hound, rummy, rump, run about, rusty-dusty, sad case, sad sack, saunter, schnorrer, scrounge, scrounger, shitty, ski bum, skid-row bum, slouch, slug,... (read all at source)