Wearing a shirt without sleeves in a dream means having piety but no money, for sleeves in a dream represent money. If the pocket of one's shirt is torn in the dream, it means poverty. Having a wardrobe filled with shirts in a dream represent one's reward in the hereafter. (read all at source)
He is a person who has surprises up his sleeve. He is explosive. One can never foresee what he will do, except that it will be a direct and spontaneous manifestation of his own personality. You cannot tell them by the looks. Sulphites come together like drops of mercury. (read all at source)
The idea of emotions can be associated with sleeves or ‘wearing them on the sleeve’. The shirt is a strong symbol of identity and responsibility. You take off the shirt when you are making changes to your identity, career or sense of responsibility. (read all at source)
short day plant, short division, short gastric artery, short gut syndrome, short hundredweight, short iron, short letter, short line, short list, Short Message Service, short order, short pants, short ribs, short sale, short saphenous vein, short selling, short shrift, short sleep, short sleeve,... (read all at source)
Hidden talent - ace (ace) in the sleeve. This sign may also indicate that you are really doing well in something.
Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)
Ace may indicate a hidden talent - ace (ace) in the sleeve. This sign may also indicate that you are really doing well in something. (read all at source)
A man dreamed that he found in his chiton (Latin tunica, a short-sleeved shirt made of linen cloth was worn by both men and women), many major bugs are disgusted about to bring it with the best intentions but he is not ready to shake it off. (read all at source)
- "playing my trump card"
- "I have tricks up my sleeve"
- "playing a game of strategy"
- "he is the best"
- "wanting to be the best"
- "recognition"
- "a clear winner"
- "I am confident I will win"
- "I am worried about how he intends to play"... (read all at source)
shirt keep your shirt on; a shirt-sleeve affair. Who has 'lost their shirt' over something? (read all at source)
Celtic Tattoo History
Studies deduce that Celts were probably really big on tattoos. We're not talking a rose on the cheek. More like full sleeves, along with full chest and back pieces. Check out this page for examples of the art, and learn how they "got inked."
. (read all at source)
We had been warned they may be dangerous but we were not frightened which is weird because both of us are frightened of snakes. At one point, one leapt up and its fangs were caught on my jumper sleeve. (read all at source)
you may email us the dream and then at a later date recall more information or have another dream you think is connected. We may also need to ask many questions relative to your dream, your waking life, your emotive state, your history, your thoughts etc. Thus, having as many emails "up your sleeve"... (read all at source)
Their father (now a huge, powerfully muscled man-lion wearing a sleeveless undershirt) was seated at the table by the fridge, and I had to reach around him for access. When I opened the door, I didn't see the kittens. (read all at source)