Slap dream meaning

If you slap someone on the back in your dream it is an omen of loss of money. To see a naked back in your dream is a warning not to lend money to anyone and if it is of the opposite sex the warning is doubled. To see a person turn their back on you means you will be deeply hurt by jealousy or envy. (read all at source)

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If you slap someone on the back in your dream it is an omen of loss of money. To see a... Continue dream interpretation - Back"continue dream interpretation
Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money.... Continue dream interpretation - Back Door"continue dream interpretation... (read all at source)

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Slap on the face
Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) - to get: beware of hasty and not well thought out arrangements; - deal itself: energy is wasted on something that does not deserve it. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are slapped, indicates carelessness. You either feel unappreciated or betrayed. To dream that you slapped someone, suggests that you are harbouring some deep anger and repressed rage. (read all at source)

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pied-a-terre, pile, pit, plight, pocket, pot, present, presentation, proscenium boxes, punch, qualify, quarrel, rack, rassle, repertory, repository, reservoir, restrict, rick, riot, run a tilt, sack, sarcophagus, scramble, scrape, scuffle, shack, shanty, sheathe, shelf, ship, shroud, skirmish, slap,... (read all at source)

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trees crucifix patio willow caught unknown bodies slap light fruit ticket belongings wheels tomb position stillborn arguement iguana trailer west paranormal spirits breasts sharks planning friendly womb with anymore motorcycle
Web 2.0 Searches... (read all at source)

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I hear someone talkin' 'bout God and there was a Hispanic, White, Jamacian, and a German kid in there. So, after the bad storm is over and I slap myself that everything is okay, I swim to all the islands to find that all the other islands are absent of everyone, but the island I was on. (read all at source)

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Slap-contempt, Job 16:10
Slaughter house-symbolic of being butchered mentally or physically by someone
Slavery-a symbol of oppression, bondage, and sin, Deut. 6:12... (read all at source)

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If you dreamed of a bloody Saturday or slap red wine tablecloth, in reality, you have to go through the tragic events. Covering the dining table tablecloth dream to what you are watching warring relatives if you dream to visit on a Tuesday or Sunday. (read all at source)

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Example dream : The dreamers daughter allows her to slap her - this symbolised the dreamers attitude towards her children (and particularly her son). She was to treat them strictly and they should be prepared to accept the punishments she dished out. (read all at source)

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I picked her up and started gently patting her back but it didn't work so I had to slap her back hard but that didn't work and I started to panic. I looked over at my ex husband for help but he sat there and waved me off like I was making something out of nothing. Then it all stopped and I woke up. (read all at source)

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To see skywriting in your dream, represents a spiritual message. It signifies a connection and union between the spiritual realm and the physical realm. You are looking for some reassurance.
Slap... (read all at source)

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