At critical times in dreams, your faculties may become enhanced or limited. These include mental, as well as physical faculties. Suddenly, you find a great wealth of knowledge to resolve a problem, or acquire a skill to do so. Other times, you suddenly lose certain abilities.
Acquiring... (read all at source)
What skills do I want to develop, or what skills do I want to be recognized?
General Meanings:
Warning The dream symbol of athlete is not so good and positive for those who are not very strong and healthy, because this may be a warning to beware of over-exertion. (read all at source)
Listening Skills - Develop Listening Skills, Strengthen Relationships
Be Kind To Yourself - an idea for coping with depression
Loneliness and The Holidays: How To Cope With Loneliness During The Holiday Season
Post-Combat Soldiers and Sex - Changes in Sexual Feelings for Post Combat Soldiers... (read all at source)
Listening Skills
The Driving Seat
Listen Listening Listener
Many of us never learn to listen but keep up a continuous conversation that has nothing to do with what was said by the other person. (read all at source)
Knowledge. Skills. Ready to learn something by example or past experience.
Teddy bear
Trust. Protection. Companionship. Learning to trust somebody. (read all at source)
Resources, skills or abilities or training. A need to create new direction. A need to repair a situation or relationship. Tool is also slang for penis, so a broken tool could symbolize impotence or sexual anxiety.
More on the meaning of "Tool, Tools" in my dream
Tornado... (read all at source)
Hone your skills by practicing metaphoric thinking as much as possible. Constantly ask yourself, “If this were a dream, what would it mean?'
Interpret first. THEN try to apply the dream to your life--after you have interpreted it. (read all at source)
The resources (skills, ability, knowledge, contacts, etc.) needed to make progress or move ahead somehow in your life or in a specific situation
Energy, or energy that is converted into work, effort, or progress... (read all at source)
Organizational skills.
Taking control over your own life.
Taking control over other people's lives.
Feeling controlled by someone or something else.
Voicing your opinion.
Communicating with the public and with people close to you. (read all at source)
1 - excellent work skills, independence, self-respect, resolve
2 - placid, integrity, unselfish, gregarious, harmony
3 - success driven, freedom, brave, fun, enthusiastic, brilliant... (read all at source)
Package Represents your hidden creative energy, skills and/or feelings. If you receive a package in the dream, you are acknowledging certain feelings or gaining new resources. But if you are giving or sending a package, you may be projecting your feelings onto another and not dealing with them. (read all at source)
If the address is pronounced clearly, and all the numbers, its components, units, then after one month you will be able to develop their organizational skills and demonstrate their professional skills. (read all at source)
Alternatively, it may represent independence or lack of social skills.
To dream that you are eating dinner with others, signifies your acceptance or others, your interpersonal relationships, and how you behave in your social life. It is a time to reflect and share past experiences. (read all at source)
Example dream : Driving symbolised the dreamers attempts to master some new skills with her job.
Example dream : Being driven by a car linked to the dreamers need to follow the rules about what to say and do at the call centre she worked at. (read all at source)
birth: New beginnings of life skills, projects, attitudes, or points of view. These may represent huge changes in your life and the death of old ways. Birth dreams for expectant mothers may be chronicling changes going on in them physically, psychologically, and emotionally. (read all at source)
If you dream about an acorn, it can be a message that you have hidden skills and talents that you need to nurture. Having an acorn fall on your head, or being hit with an acorn in a dream can mean that you need to change your way of doing things. (read all at source)
Seeing or using tools in your dream, represents your self-expression, skills and abilities. You are using the resources that are available to you. Perhaps you need to create and move toward a different direction. (read all at source)
To see your cousin in your dream suggests that you haven't been nurturing your natural talents or skills. You should encourage these attributes to grow and reach their potential. (read all at source)
* Strengthening your problem solving skills
* Able to confront your fears first hand
* Becoming more creative
* Great way to improve your confidence level
* Become more in tuned with yourself and others around you
* Experience a different way to dream
* Understanding more about our unconscious mind... (read all at source)
THE DOWNSTAIRS/BASEMENT symbolizes your subconscious mind aspect of Self, which deals with habits, old coping skills, automation, ego. That's usually the part of our Selves that makes us feel "torn" between knowing we should do one thing, but inexplicably ending up doing the opposite. (read all at source)
market selling your skills and talents to a new buyer; looking for a different place or type of employment; in the market for something; speculating on the stock exchange; reconsider the market value. What does your dream have to say about employment for you? (read all at source)
To see a package in your dream, represents hidden creative energy, skills., and/or feelings. If you receive a package, it indicates that you are acknowledging certain feelings or acquiring new resources. (read all at source)
Writing and receiving letters can symbolize evolving communication skills and sharing information in a way that expresses new or unknown sides of you. If a character gives you a letter, there is a need to understand what part of you this person represents. (read all at source)
These same skills are critical in real life. If your dreams start to involve schools, make sure you sit down, look at what real life is presenting you with, and making sure you are taking the time to be fully prepared for it. (read all at source)
Mana denotes awesome, mysterious power associated with gods but also with natrural phenomena and extraordinary human skills, genuis, holines, psychic powers and supranormal knowledge. These figures may therefore be frightening. If you find them too frightening, consult a {Jungian} therapist. (read all at source)
A dream with a trumpet symbolizes skills or potential. The trumpet in a dream implies that you are craving recognition or attention for your efforts, or that you are embracing self-promotion. The dream ..Read more →
TSUNAMI ... (read all at source)
To see thin lips, symbolizes intelligence, knowledge and great skills. The dream also indicates that someone is gossiping about you.
To see dry, sore and swollen lips, signifies a loss of money, social status and friends.
To dream of chapped lips, denotes some malicious gossip. (read all at source)
A knife sharpener in a dream represents someone who teaches people skills, sagacity and adroitness. A knife sharpener in a dream also represents sobriety, a dignified bearing of adversities, or he could represent a vile person, a trouble maker, or a decisive person..
Knife Grinder... (read all at source)
This prompts our deeper minds to hone our thoughts and skills. The eagle commands us to tailor our intelligence and talents in a form that best suits our needs. (read all at source)
To dream that you are playing a game of cards, symbolzies that you have successfully used skills of strategy and timing in your waking life. Also see "Poker".
To dream about a carjacking symbolizes unexpressed anger. It may also suggest that the dreamer is feeling threatened. (read all at source)
You could mean that you feel that your skills or talents aren't getting enough recognition from other people, or that people don't understand you. (read all at source)
Work on emotional stability. Fear of change. Old survival skills.... Continue dream interpretation - Landslide"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Lane... (read all at source)
Money-Power: ) power; authority; the strength of man Provision; wealth; natural talents and skills; spiritual riches spiritual gifts, faith, wisdom, covetousness (as opposed to trusting in God); (Deut 8:18; Gen 31:15; Luke 19:23; 1 Tim 6:10; Hos 10:5; Eccl 7:12; Luke 16:11)... (read all at source)
Perhaps it’s a symbol of encouragement and you’re being reminded to draw upon skills you’ve already acquired. Where are you riding the bike to in your dream? If you don’t usually ride a bike, consider why you’ve selected this form of transportation. (read all at source)
The positive symbolism is that of a person that is hard-working, has good organization skills, and is cooperative and creative. The negative symbolism could be that of a follower, a busybody and of someone that stings. (read all at source)
To hold or be at a yard sale in your dream, indicates that you are recycling past experiences and finding use for your old skills and ideas.
Yard Stick
To see a yard stick in your dream foretells much anxiety over your business and personal affairs. (read all at source)
8. Games are the dreamer's perspective of life. 'Game of Life' or we can say the 'games people play' and how they play them. Games have to do with learning skills, rules, talents, showmanship, training, practice, winning or losing, teamwork or solo performance. (read all at source)
Mental organization or neatness—of your thoughts, a particular situation, your life, etc.
Logical thought, memory, or life-management skills
see also: furniture folder
categories: Objects... (read all at source)
To dream of yarn shows you will soon become the wife of a wealthy man. If a man sees a woman working with yarn he will soon find that the love of his life is a thrifty individual with all the skills to be a good wife and companion.
Yawning... (read all at source)
If you're driving and the car swerves out of control, or the accelerator is stuck in place, it's possible your unconscious knows you don't yet have the skills to get where you want to go. The dream may also warn that you are being reckless or moving ahead too fast. (read all at source)
Balance and healing for the heart, circulatory systems and emotions by becoming more giving, generous and emotionally open.
If the green is worn or brought by guide (esp. if pink or peach also appears) then the dreamer has counselling skills. Also indicated by Books, Newspapers, Library. (read all at source)