To see your sister-in-law in your dream, represents your waking relationship with her.
Soldier ... (read all at source)
dreaming of wearing a white wedding dress
Meaning of kola nut in dreams
Catching crawfish
lightning bolt... (read all at source)
Example: Then I drop out of the dream scene and it changes such that it shows there's an upstairs part, the building that this laboratory is in - which I haven't been to or any of the other search party either - and there is my sister-in-law along with several other females that this man has kept... (read all at source)
My sister-in-law
Q: My sister in law had this dream. She was so worried about it. She had a dream that all of the kids...
A: I have no way of knowing if this is a precognitive dream. You'd have to ask a psychic. If you are...
Swiming with a Whale... (read all at source)
The actions of a violent rapist are compared to the actions of the dreamer's sister-in-law. One is in a friendly family atmosphere and the other is a brutal act. Yet in some way the mind is using these two situations to convey how the dreamer feels about the situation. (read all at source)
notknown @ 2012-07-01 02:51:43
I was in a house and I opened a door and a woman grabbed both of my arms on the wrist and then I noticed it was my deceased sister-in-law then pulled back and I woke up. I actually physically felt her hands on my arms. (read all at source)
Seeing your sister-in-law in your dream, represents characteristics in her that you find within your own self. Consider also your waking relationship with her. (read all at source)
My sister-in-law helped me to understand that family relationships look and feel very different from one sibling to another. I told my brother about my dream and we had a long telephone conversation about our childhood experiences. (read all at source)