Sister dream meaning

Dream Dictionary
To dream of a step-sister, denotes you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you. (read all at source)

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My sister in law had this dream. She was so worried about it. She had a dream that all of the kids were playing outside, when my niece (no relation to her) started running toward the road and couldn't stop. Then there was a car coming up the road and hit her. (read all at source)

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To see your sister in your dream, symbolizes some aspect of your relationship with her. Or someone in your waking life has qualities similar to your sister. (read all at source)

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To dream of a step-sister, denotes you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you.
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stethoscope... (read all at source)

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- Helping babysit sister.
- Military officer orders me to watch Queens baby
- Bathing in blood - dream symbolism
- Dream symbols - bears and german shepard dog
- With ex boyfriend and another girl - dream analysis
- Wolf transforms into my boyfriend - dream interpretation... (read all at source)

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For the past few weeks I have been having very disturbing dreams, all of which are about my mother and younger sister. In every dream one or both of them end up dying. Last nights dream was particularly upsetting, so much that awoke crying and I actually called my mother to inform her of my dream. (read all at source)

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If a woman's sister appears in her dream, she represents the dreamer's unconscious shadow. In a man's dream, his sister is a symbol of female aspects.
Sky... (read all at source)

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To dream of a step-sister, denotes you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you.
Stethoscope... (read all at source)

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Family. Fellowship. Fortune .You are aware of your surroundings.
Skating... (read all at source)

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My mom and sister were in my bathroom and my mom was doing my sisters hair, i walked in my moms bedroom and saw a snake. i wasnt very alarmed and i asked my mom why there was a snake i our house and she said dont worry about it. (read all at source)

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There was a sister in the lord mocking me the saying with a loud voice, "Nakia you are just all full of fear, you are full of fear". She was floating around as she kept repeating this. I was very troubled inside and felt afraid. Then I saw the Angel, he said, "Don't be afraid". (read all at source)

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I had a dream my sister and her husband were out here on the west coast visiting me and my mom and daughter. We went to a later movie than expected (because I was running late), and they ended up missing their flight. (read all at source)

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Brother: See also Sister and Friend: The Holy Spirit; a spiritual brother in the church; yourself; someone who has similar qualities to you; the brother himself; can be disorderly, or in need of admonishment, or weak, or evil, in need, or can be falsely judged. (Hebrews 13: 3; 1 Cor. (read all at source)

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First dream: 3 nights ago, I dreamt my sister, my cousin and I went to visit her because we already knew she was sick. (read all at source)

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To kiss a brother or sister, denotes much pleasure and good in your association. To kiss your sweetheart in the dark, denotes dangers and immoral engagements. To kiss her in the light, signifies honorable intentions occupy your mind always in connection with women. (read all at source)

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It is important that you identify what kind of relationship you have with your sister or brother. When you think of your sister or brother what is the first thing that comes to your mind to describe them? What about them stands out the most? (read all at source)

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Fictitious CharactersThis type of dream may include a kindly neighbour that does not exist, a dear sister you do not really have, or a fictitious character from movies or television such as Peter Pan. This dream can mean one of two things. (read all at source)

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( I think it was) my sister who took out a cobra snake, so it could watch him and protect us. I remember feeling that I didn't want the snake to hurt the boy-man, but it was an unruly creature, and I didn't want to get hurt by it either. (read all at source)

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i had a dream that i was chasing my girlfriends sister through a old abandoned house it was more like i was following her. we are on bikes and she makes a turn but i always go the wrong way. the dream keeps repeating till i turn the right way and i find her again. (read all at source)

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Foot, right: brother or sister. Foot, left: servant or distant relative. Hand, right: Mother Hand, left: Children Something unplanned. Any sort of accident - car, household, job related; is indicative of self-criticism. You have done something of which you are not proud. (read all at source)

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If you have brothers and/or sisters in waking life, it would be expected that in dreams of your family, they would be present. (read all at source)

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The Raven symbolizes wisdom, hope, brother/sister gratitude and affection, longevity, fertility, and death. It is still used as a symbol in modern magic, witchcraft, and mystery. In alchemy, it represents change and the advanced soul dying to this world. It is also considered the symbol of intuition. (read all at source)

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talking apparition ghost new age metaphysical spiritual altered consciousness vision precognitive esp help interpretation interpret dreams tooth house red white blue green yellow black pink gold husband lover sex making love friend boyfriend girlfriend zombies mummy mother father dad sister brother... (read all at source)

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For a male, to see a princess in your dream, represents his sister or an important female figure in your life. It also suggests your desires for the ideal woman.
To see a printer in your dream, suggests that you are trying to express a thought or idea in a way that others can understand. (read all at source)

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In the oriental tradition it symbolizes a sister, brother, and child, but also money. The dream about cutting your own or somebody else's hand or wrist foretells money gain is coming your way. It is good to dream of a white hand. (read all at source)

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see also: brother person you know sister mother father son daughter grandfather cousin father-in-law mother-in-law
categories: People
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A brother learns the death of his young sister by a terrible nightmare.
A young girl sees beforehand, in a dream, the man whom she will marry.
A mother sees her child lying in a road, covered with blood. (read all at source)

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In one episode, one of the characters had a dream about this strange new toy his sister had recently acquired that resembled a purple goo-man with a leather jacket and pants. It looked like this weird biker guy. (read all at source)

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Family��important informarion
�@elder brother��bold behavior
�@Father��authority, your superiors
�@Husband��cause trouble
�@Mother��acknowledge, human relations
�@Sister��for man generousity, for woman arguments
�@youger brother��family discord... (read all at source)

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We learn important lessons about ourselves through our brothers and sisters. They are a reflection on us, and we can not escape their presence and their love, hate or any other emotion . (read all at source)

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Alternatively, you may be too demanding and perhaps acting like a spoiled brat. For a male, to see a princess in your dream, represents his sister or an important female figure in your life. It also suggests your desires for the ideal woman. (read all at source)

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Your actual sister, or perhaps a person who feels like a sister to you.
See also: person you know nun family... (read all at source)

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Seeing your sister in your dream, symbolizes some aspect of your relationship with her, whether it one of sibling rivalry, caring, protectiveness, etc. Your sister may draw attention to your family role and sense of belonging. (read all at source)

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Dream "Cousin (sister)"
To dream of his cousin (sister) - is the frustration and disappointment. This, the dream foretells the sad events in your life, To dream that you are driving a lively correspondence with his brother (sister), means the final gap between families. (read all at source)

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To dream of a step-sister, could denote you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
Interpreting Dreams... (read all at source)

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Sister-symbolic of wisdom, Prov. 7:4
Skating-symbolic of enjoying life
Skeleton-symbolic of death. If you are kissing a skeleton in a dream it means you hate wisdom and love death, Prov. 8:36... (read all at source)

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sister says:
i'm 34 years old and i'm 6mnth pregnant i had a dream (Izangoma)witch docters taking me a bath with blood water inside of that water the is a knife & i was minstruating and that man was bathing me he was fosing me to bow and i can't b'cause the bath was to small. (read all at source)

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sister soul self; supporting; a woman close to you; perhaps your 'twin' in similarities, or your opposite; a woman for whom you have sisterly feelings; competition; affection; closeness; a part of yourself that you see in your sister; religious order; a nurse; feeling connected to women. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of your sister is how you explore her qualities and whether or not these aspects should be adopted in your current approach. Other people in our dreams represent us. Think of the adjective that best describes your sister and how it is currently active or inactive. (read all at source)

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Her sister had been stabbed to death by her (the sister's) partner two years prior. Old wounds were being opened as a result of the ongoing Court trial. (read all at source)

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His sister was moving and he was going to get up early for the hard day of work ahead.
Example dream : A boss dream linked to the dreamer moving home the next day. She would have to be highly organised and hard working. (read all at source)

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In a man's dream involving his sister, the sister may represaent the anima figure representing the feminine side of his nature.
In a man's dream with his mother, the mother may express the desire he felt for her as a boy. (read all at source)

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Navajo Twins: Usually described as Mother Earth and Sky Father twins, or Brother Sister twins, the Navajo Twins are powerful Native American symbols for creation and the evolution of creation itself. They also represent perfect balance. For more information on Native American symbols click here. (read all at source)

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Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Bread) Holdingtwo loaves of bread in a dream means the marriage of two sisters to one man, one after the other.. (read all at source)

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