A singer indicates you are a channel - you can communicate with spirits. Music is inspired by the spirit world. Many people who have near death experiences describe hearing harmonic melodies when they encountered other souls.
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My name is DJ and for YEARS now I have been having a recurring dream that doesn't make sense:
I am a fan of Prince the singer. I keep having dreams that I am in his band and he gets angry at me and chases me and no matter what, I can't hide from him. What does that mean? (read all at source)
A singer in a dream also represents a wise person, a preacher, or a physician. The location where the singing has taken place in the dream will experience lies, falsehood and separation between beloveds because of jealousy, envy and perfidy. (read all at source)
To see a famous singer in your dream represents harmony, spiritual vibrations and the glory of the human spirit.
To dream that you are a singer denotes that you will realize your desires and wishes. (read all at source)
You become a singer or leader.
You have understood and gained insight into the situation within your dream.
You express emotions within your dream and it is positive in nature.
You notice in the dream that everybody is enjoying the sounds. (read all at source)
Seeing a famous singer in your dream, represents harmony and some divine influence or vibrations. It indicates glorification of the human spirit. Consider also your general impression of this singer and how those specific qualities may be triggered by someone or some situation in your waking life. (read all at source)
Common themes that relate to our career, no matter what one¹s profession might include dreams where singers forget their lyrics, actors forget their lines and students are late for an important exam. (read all at source)
* Mike Reno - Singer/Songwriter for "Loverboy"
How "All I Ever Needed" came in a dream.
* Elias Howe - Inventor... (read all at source)
Example: At first I began to think he'd go to one of the lead singers (who I used to have a crush on) but then I see the dog go over to one of the more-in-the-background members. I watch as the dog leaps up and nuzzles its black jaw's happily against the jaw of this band member. (read all at source)
Ordinary concerts such as engage ballet singers, denote that disagreeable companions and ungrateful friends will be met with. Business will show a falling off. (read all at source)
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Had a dream that you have caused delight tone of voice of the singer, - so, in the near future, you are invited to lie on the part of the person to whom you trust, like myself. For his flattering speeches you make out of bad intentions. (read all at source)
To the business man it portends successful trade, and to the young it signifies unalloyed bliss and faithful loves. Ordinary concerts such as engage ballet singers, denote that disagreeable companions and ungrateful friends will be met with. Business will show a falling off. (read all at source)
East Coast Singer says:
Hmmm. I'd say the paragraph is rather accurate, in its description of men and women difference . Note the irrational rage and over-emotional tone of the first critical post.
Reply... (read all at source)