Silk dreams by DreamMean
To dream of wearing silk clothes, is a sign of high ambitions being gratified, and friendly relations will be established between those who were estranged.
For a young woman to dream of old silk, denotes that she will have much pride in her ancestors, and will be wooed by a wealthy, but elderly person. If the silk is soiled or torn, she will drag her ancestral pride in the slums of disgrace.
Silk fabric can represent the idea of or desire for:
Being well-dressed
Feeling natural or organic
Reaping the benefits of hard work... (read all at source)
To see or feel silk in your dream, represents luxury, smoothness, and softness. To dream that you are wearing silk, suggests prestige. You will never lack the necessities of life. (read all at source)
I pour melted butter down the tunnels. I am impressed with my own cleverness. I decide to carry it to the General myself. I am wearing a long silk, white evening gown. I am older (late 40′s, early 50′s), but looking good. (read all at source)
Silk can be deceiving in the sense that simply wearing silk does not cover the everyday problems and grieves. Any dream in which something is made of silk means you will get lucky in business issues and social problems. (read all at source)
silk riches; wealth indicated; exploring sensuality; relationship to the Orient and the exotic; jumping with a parachute; a jockey's colours. Whose skin is 'as smooth as silk'? (read all at source)
i walk out the door with some tight red silk dress and i see this 'stadium looking' place filled with everyone from my school. everyone immediatly starts clapping once they see me walk outside the door. i got frightened and went back inside. (read all at source)
A dream of a silk or satin belt can mean that you are worried that you won't achieve your desires.
A dream about eating berries can be a message from your unconscious to look after your physical health. (read all at source)
linen, linoleum, linsey-woolsey, lint, lisle, list, llama hair, loden, longcloth, luster, mackinaw, mackintosh, madras, maline, Manila, manta, mantua, marquisette, mat, matting, melton, merino, messaline, mohair, moire, moleskin, mousseline de soie, murrey, muslin, nainsook, nankeen, near-silk, net,... (read all at source)
Wrong love if unwind silk - In the dream you unwind silk, this means that you will become sought-after a wrong lover;
Poverty if wool - This dream announces you that you will get into poverty;... (read all at source)
If a young woman dream that she wears silk, or clean, petticoats, it denotes that she will have a doting, but manly husband. If she suddenly perceives that she has left off her petticoat in dressing, it indicates much ill luck and disappointment. (read all at source)
see also: raw fabric velvet silk woven fur garment thread sewing
categories: Attribute Objects
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Brothel, Wail, Adventurer, Flight, Abortion, Slippers, Wolf, Shirt, Concubine, Whirlwind, Switch, Silk, Ship, Knife, Diamonds, Veil
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Disgrace symbol. (read all at source)
Ezekiel 16:10 I clothed you also with embroidered work, and shod you with badgers' skin, and I girded you about with fine linen, and I covered you with silk.(GMR)
Definition For:
DREAMS AND VISIONS... (read all at source)
To see fabric in your dream represents the various pieces that compose your life. Consider the color of the for added significance of the dream. Also see "Satin", "Silk" and "Velvet".
Face... (read all at source)
Suggestive of metamorphosis in its early stages, it is often associated with what is ‘bugging’ you that calls you to transform. Caterpillars also eat organic leaves to spin fine threads into silk. (read all at source)
it came back in the fastest speed possible and probably got back into the cloth and i could feel the cloth was heavy but am unsure if it was inside or not. and yeah when i touched the cloth to see if the snake is inside some strange sticky substance silk like in look came out (just about 10cm) i... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of wearing silk clothes, is a sign of high ambitions being gratified, and friendly relations will be established between those who were estranged. (read all at source)
Silk -'ll get torn values �??�??- you get into poverty ladies - support and assistance. Buy - to seek protection from the pursuer or pesky friends; lose - emergency; torn from the arms - the deceived hopes. If you dream you are going with an umbrella, then in reality you have to deal with nuisance. (read all at source)
If you see silk handkerchiefs, it denotes that your pleasing and magnetic personality will shed its radiating cheerfulness upon others, making for yourself a fortunate existence. (read all at source)