Siege dream meaning

Siege dreams by DreamMean
For a young woman to dream that she is in a siege, and sees cavalry around her, denotes that she will have serious drawbacks to enjoyments, but will surmount them finally, and receive much pleasure and profit from seeming disappointments.

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A symbol of freedom, physical or emotional constriction, time and pressure to perform under the control or unloved not to accept people. (read all at source)

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avoid it, their self-destructive and self-defeating acts are intended to dismantle the very foundation of a successful relationship, a career, a project, or a friendship. This dream may result in feeling elated and relieved after you try to unshackle these "chains". It is important to brake a siege,... (read all at source)

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beleaguer, beset, besiege, blockade, bottle up, bound, box in, box up, chamber, check, cloister, close in, compass, confine, constrain, contain, coop, coop in, coop up, cordon, cordon off, cork up, corral, crate, crib, detain, drive, drove, encage, encircle, enclose, enclosure, encompass, enshrine,... (read all at source)

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If people are under siege in the dream and the daylight dawns after a long dark night in a dream, it means that their siege will be lifted. If people are suffering from high prices and someone sees that dream, it means that prices will go back to normal. (read all at source)

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Comic Songs, Drinking, May, Teacups, Lobster, Laundry, Harem, Actor and Actress, Store, Purchases, Tapeworm, Jessamine, Cocoa, Aroma, Jewels, Exile, Nuptial, Basement, Traitor, Buckle, Chalice, Prize Fighter, Rosette, April, Shower, Emperor, July, Knapsack, Cider, Shells, Housekeeper, Arrow, Siege,... (read all at source)

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To dream of tempests, denotes that you will have a siege of calamitous trouble, and friends will treat you with indifference. See Storms and Cyclones
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temptation... (read all at source)

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Interview - Government Vs. Erotica: The Siege of Adam and Eve
Molly Ivins Quotes
Free Speech?
'Hurricane Rules' by George Carlin - Netlore Archive
The Buzza Company: Vintage Mottos for Mother's Day... (read all at source)

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Siege works-weapons used to besiege a wall or city are sym�bolic of being involved in a spiritual battle, Deut. 20:20
Signaling-winking, pointing, and signaling others with your feet can symbolize an underhanded person, Prov. 6:13... (read all at source)

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To dream of tempests, denotes that you will have a siege of calamitous trouble, and friends will treat you with indifference.
Also See Storms and Cyclones.
Temptation... (read all at source)

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