Short dream meaning

Being prepared to go out and relax or have fun. Feeling comfortable with the world or with feeling a little vulnerable or exposed (since shorts show parts of the legs). Summer, warmth, vacation, happiness, freedom, escape from rules or authority.
See also: clothes... (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are wearing shorts indicates that you readiness to be more open and expose yourself. Alternatively, it refers to your youthful image and playful attitude.. The dream may also be a metaphor suggesting that you are selling yourself short. (read all at source)

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Tag: Short
Most popular explanation, which consists of most common symbolism, meanings and interpretations about afraid in dreams Being Afraid means Temporary Misfortune - When the dreamer is being afraid, filled with fear for something in his dream,... (read all at source)

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Dream " N " Narrow or short dress
The interpretation of the dream "Narrow or short dress"
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse... (read all at source)

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Dream Interpretation/Short and scary dream last night... (read all at source)

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Shorts - a walk or calling that is partially fulfilled
Bathrobe - coming out of a place of cleansing
Pajamas - spiritual slumber... (read all at source)

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Short-to be small in stature in a dream is symbolic of feeling unimportant, 1Sam. 15:17. To see others as short is symbolic of feeling superior to others
Shot-being shot or shooting someone is symbolic of hurtful words (curses, lies, mischief, slander, and insults) Ps. 10:7... (read all at source)

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A short interpretation of the various colors of sails in your dream... (read all at source)

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Short fingers symbolize new friends. Long fingers symbolize love problems. A hurt finger means self-inflicted problems. A bandaged finger symbolize that you will get away from something without injury. If you point or show your finger you will get a changed environment. (read all at source)

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Shorts This is often associated with relaxed, casual attitudes or being in a warm sunny environment outdoors, or with showing ones attractive legs - or revealing ones unattractive legs. In some dreams it relates to athletic activity, […] More... (read all at source)

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A short-list of animal symbolism of the gorilla includes attributes like:
Loyalty... (read all at source)

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In short, beware the trickster.
kidnapped: Negative feelings might have taken you over. Confronting these feelings will help release you from their control.
kissing: Affection and intimacy. (read all at source)

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A very short or stubby finger signifies new friends.
A hand with extra fingers is a forecast that you will receive an inheritance.
Fingernails... (read all at source)

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Taking a shortcut get something you want or to avoid something you don't want
Cutting a process short
Breaking the rules to benefit yourself
Trying to get away with small dishonesties, lies, or cheating... (read all at source)

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Long and Short
The size of something in a dream can relate to its importance. Something that is unnaturally long can portray how you are giving it too much emphasis. If it is unusually short, you may be ignoring its importance. See also Large and Small and also Giant. (read all at source)

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sleep for a short period of time, especially in an hour when you're not accustomed to sleep.
See also: Underground , Waif , Quack Medicine , Gambling-house , Wading
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)

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wearing white short wedding dress
flying dove
giving birth
bright white light beam... (read all at source)

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Limping or Unable to Walk: Shortcomings; weakness; inconsistency; not fit for priesthood. (Prov. 26: 7; 2 Sam. 5: 8; Lev. 21: 17-23; Job 29: 15; Is. 35: 6)
M... (read all at source)

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A dream of this short winter month might suggest you feel the need to retreat from the world. Perhaps you are depressed with the amount of time things are taking to manifest in your life. (read all at source)

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nap needing a short rest; to be caught off guard; napping on the job; a soft velvet cloth. Where have you been caught napping?
Napoleon acting without respecting others' opinions; association with France; a lover of Josephine. Who do you know who is small but mighty? (read all at source)

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basement - Your perceived faults, shortcomings, fear of those with power over you.
bat - Pestering and annoying people and events associated with them. Erratic, and sporadic events.
bathroom - A need to remove certain emotions and beliefs. Remaking oneself into something new. (read all at source)

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However, your worries will be temporary and short-lived. If you know exactly what scared you in your dream, check out that dream symbol in this dictionary to get an even deeper interpretation. (read all at source)

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He had just handed in his notice at work and felt guilty because there were real staff shortages. He felt he was letting his team down.
Example dream : A nightmare dream linked to the dreamers terrible behaviour the day before. (read all at source)

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Hes wearing a grey sweat and bloodstained t-shirt and black basketball shorts. He looked about 30-35 with brown short hair and a receeding hairline. (read all at source)

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When an actor or actress plays a role, he or she gets to experience that role for a short time, without having to take on the role permanently. Therefore dreams about actors and actresses are often ways of exploring possible roles in life. (read all at source)

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A brother, or other relatives or friends, denotes that youmay be called on for charity or aid within a short time. (read all at source)

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To see yourself, or others, dressed in black, portends quarrels, disappointments, and disagreeable companions; or, if it refers to business, the business will fall short of expectations. To see yellow apparel, foretells approaching gaieties and financial progress. (read all at source)

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Lightning in your dreams, foreshadows happiness and prosperity of short duration.
If the lightning strikes some object near you, and you feel the shock, you might be damaged by the good fortune of a friend, or you may be worried by gossipers and scandalmongers. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are walking through an alley, represents that you may be walking into a dead-end or that you have taken a short cut in life. It also may denote that your reputation is in jeopardy.
To see an alligator in your dream, symbolizes treachery, deceit, and hidden instincts. (read all at source)

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During the day thoughts are stored in short term memory banks. During sleep these are transferred into long term memory. The short term memory blocks are then wiped clean ready for the day ahead. So dreams tap into these vital brain processes during sleep. (read all at source)

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Bride For a young woman to dream that she is a bride, foretells that she will shortly come into an inheritance which will please her exceedingly, if she is pleased in making her bridal toilet. If displeasure is felt she will suffer disappointments in her anticipations. (read all at source)

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Is the bridge in your dream a symbol of a shortcut? Do you want to get somewhere faster? Or is the bridge a connection between two points? Ask yourself what’s being bridged. Is it a bridging of cultures, or of people who live in the same area? (read all at source)

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Your brain mind and spirit, while at rest review and analysis in its own way long term, short term and spirit memory. It kicks around emotions, thoughts, ideas, actions and interactions of the short term memory. (read all at source)

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However, whether good or evil, the witch always tries to defy natural law and uses a short cut to accomplish a task. (read all at source)

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If you lost a child due to miscarriage or shortly after birth you can also dream of airplane crashes. For example, a woman whose baby died shortly after being born dreamed she witnessed a plane coming in to land flying too low. It passed just over her head and crashed behind her. (read all at source)

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You might see a rod that is short and thick. This is something that the shepherd also used to carry with him and he would use it against the wolf!... (read all at source)

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"Indeed Allah shall fulfil the true vision which He showed to His Messenger saw a dream that he has entered Makkah along with his Companions, having their (head) hair shaved and cut short] in very truth. (read all at source)

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Somebody may be keeping a short leash on you where you are lacking the freedom to act independently. To dream that you are putting a wild animal into a cage, signifies that you will succeed in overcoming your rivals and fears. (read all at source)

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A dream of being nearsighted denotes that your energies are focused on the short term accomplishment and not on preparing for the future. In other words you may be missing the big picture all together. (read all at source)

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If you are one of the players, your pleasures will be of short duration. If you attend a vaudeville theater, you are in danger of losing property through silly pleasures. If it is a grand opera, you will succeed in you wishes and aspirations. (read all at source)

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An eclipse last for only a short time, so when you dream about an eclipse, part of you understands that the setback you have experienced is only temporary. Try to find a way to develop more confidence so you can resume your work toward achieving your goal. (read all at source)

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You will be shortly involved in a love/emotional relationship. **Diamonds good luck concerning money. Financial improvement. **Clubs: success after quarrels concerning business. A legal matter. **Spades: Sadness and/or unrewarded labor. Gossip or disgrace. (read all at source)

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The fish symbol was often drawn by overlapping two very thin crescent moons. One represented the crescent shortly before the new moon; the other shortly after, when the moon is just visible. It is probably where the idea of the fish being associated with pregnancy comes from. (read all at source)

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To dream you see an inscription, foretells you will shortly receive unpleasant communications. If you are reading them on tombs, you will be distressed by sickness of a grave nature. To write one, you will lose a valued friend. (read all at source)

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3½. half of a week, week cut short,
4. The number four means creation, world, testing, all inclusive body of Christ, that which continues into eternity, Kingdom
5. Five, grace, God's goodness, five for the Ministry, five evil Kings... (read all at source)

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To dream of a creek, denotes new experiences and short journeys. If it is overflowing, you will have sharp trouble, but of brief period.
If it is dry, disappointment will be felt by you, and you will see another obtain the things you intrigued to secure.
Cremate... (read all at source)

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As your geometry teacher probably told you many times, a straight line is the shortest distance between two points. It is the straight path, the road to take to reach your goal. (read all at source)

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If you visit in your dreams, you will shortly have some pleasant occasion in your life. If your visit is unpleasant, your... Continue dream interpretation - Visit"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Visitor... (read all at source)

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If the dreamer successfully performs a routine on a trapeze, the dreamer will experience the freedom he desires, but if he falls and crashes, he'll very likely fail due to his own shortcomings. If he falls and lands in a safety net, he'll succeed in spite of his shortcomings. (read all at source)

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Drug use affects the brain by enlarging the time spent in Stage 4 deep sleep and shortening REM-phase dreaming. Since certain drugs are consciousness-altering, they may cause dreamers to feel expanded consciousness prior to going to sleep. (read all at source)

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To dream of rhinestones interpret pleasures and favors of short duration. For a young woman to dream that a rhinestone proves to be a diamond foretells she will be surprised to find that some insignificant act on her part will result in good fortune.
Rhinoceros... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are covered in dust suggests that others' shortcomings will come to bear upon you.
To dream that you are dusting indicates that you are getting rid of previous errors and beginning anew. (read all at source)

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A toddler stumbles onto the smaller green snake (but still very fat in body just shorter in length) and I quickly grab the toddler asking others in the congregation whose child it is. (read all at source)

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To dream of being licked by an animal predicts that you will shortly be asked to advise a friend or relative in a serious matter; be as helpful as possible but avoid getting personally involved. A dream of being licked by a baby forecasts a happy outcome to your problems. (read all at source)

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To dream of a mattress, denotes that new duties and responsibilities
will shortly be assumed.
To sleep on a new mattress, signifies contentment with present surroundings.
To dream of a mattress factory, denotes that you will be connected
in business with thrifty partners and will soon amass wealth. (read all at source)

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A young girl at a ball stops short in the middle of a dance and cries, bursting into tears. My father is dead; I have just seen him. At that moment her father died. She did not even know he was ill. (read all at source)

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Ventriloquist - Projecting onto others your faults/shortcomings. Deception and some treasonable issue effecting you in a negative way.
Verdict - Facing the truth. Passing judgement on yourself or others. Others judging you. (read all at source)

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Royalty. Splendor. Pleasures of short duration. Potential that needs to be fulfilled.
Private self. Sexual identity. Hidden feelings that are ready to be expose. (read all at source)

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fog. Uncertainty, unpreparedness, and procrastination. To be enveloped in fog suggests shortsightedness or danger.
fortress. The self's defense system; hence a crumbling fortress symbolizes vulnerability
fruit. Productivity, the desire for children, or an intimate relationship. (read all at source)

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A dream involving a visit suggests that you will have a short and pleasant experience. If you are visited in the dream then this suggests that there is warmth and ..Read more →
VOICE ... (read all at source)

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If you successfully fought him off, then you will short circuit those who mean you ill, and if he spoke to you, you are in for great temptations which you will find hard to resist. If you and the devil were friendly, or congenial, then it is time to have a complete medical workup done. (read all at source)

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If a particular part of your body is bleeding, consider the symbolism of that part, but also consider that you may want to have a medical checkup. Women often dream of blood, or of someone bleeding, shortly before, or during, their periods, and when they are pregnant. Drops of blood in the snow [.]... (read all at source)

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A dream of mass chaos in your childhood home can indicate great disturbances in your life either now, or coming shortly. These kinds of dreams are often prophetic. You should always write down and deeply analyze dreams of your childhood dwelling. (read all at source)

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The things we consider vitally important in our waking physical lives are not nearly as important as the TRUE reason we are here, which is to overcome our shortcomings so that we may get closer to our Source/God/Higher Power. (read all at source)

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