Shit dream meaning

Example: I was watching a man who insisted on living in a small stable like room that was foul with his shit and urine. He wouldn't go out or clean it and his clothes too were filthy. He wouldn't be helped, but blamed his condition on anything and anyone but himself. (read all at source)

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say that if a person dreams of a baby they kids will be unattractive do you know how you made me feel after reading that bull me and my husband are trying so hard for a baby that we fight so much because of fustration i dream im preggers cause i only think of a baby you need to cancel all that shit... (read all at source)

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There-is-shit-everywhere says:
I was somehow dropped in an open space cargo. In the middle of it theres a vehicule binded by a rope thats being lit up with fire. As if its gonna destroy the rope and launch that vehicule. (read all at source)

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"F--k this shit, man. I'm going to put a bullet through all of your heads and solve all my problems." He shot one of the two men he held hostage and the other one didn't move out of fear. I can't remember if he was shot. (read all at source)

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If you dream you see yourself in the zoo - in reality it foretells that you will be faced with individuals who are prepared to shit you at the first opportunity, and only certain circumstances will retain their;... (read all at source)

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Chris smiled, "Yeah. Holy shit! So what about the stuff with my Mum? What does that mean?"
"What was your sense about her being there?"
"I don't know. She was there to watch me do the test. The big glass box was like an observation thing that people could watch through."... (read all at source)

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meaning of to see own shit in the dream
Water dripping down the walls
'wife falling'
dreaming of eating okro soup
Green water... (read all at source)

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we locked tht shit tht between the bottom of the stereo nd the floor then turned the music uppp. it slithered awayyy .then slid up me nd bit behind my shoulder. it was a dramatic bite! then iwoke up to my headphones on my shoulders o.o... (read all at source)

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The shirt you wear reveals your attitudes and level of consciousness about a particular situation.
To dream that you are giving a shirt to someone, may be a metaphor or "giving the shirt off your back" and refers to your self-sacrifice and generosity.
Shit... (read all at source)

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and the owner of the dog could not control the dog it was coming for me so i started running and i remember running jumping up on these stairs ther wer nasty filty i mean ther wer dirty i managed to get away and at the end of the dream im standing alone in this f nasty room like undergrund shit... (read all at source)

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patriarchal, pill, planner, precursor, preserve, prime mover, primum mobile, procreate, producer, progenitrix, proliferate, propagate, protect, protege, provide for, raiser, rat, realizer, reproduce in kind, ride herd on, second cousin, see after, see to, serve, shaper, shelter, shepherd, shit,... (read all at source)

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