A shepherd indicates you have a spiritual teaching or leadership ability (a spiritual leader is referred to as a Sheppard). This does not mean you should be teaching religious doctrine or necessarily preaching to others. Rather you have an innate ability to empower others that look for you help. (read all at source)
To see shepherds in your dreams watching their flocks, portends bounteous crops and pleasant relations for the farmer, also much enjoyment and profit for others.
To see them in idleness, foretells sickness and bereavement. (read all at source)
To see a shepherd in your dream, indicates that a higher force is guiding you toward your goals. You are on the right path.
Singer... (read all at source)
Shepherd - This may be a reference to you following someone, a leader, in life, or, if you were the shepherd, it could be telling you that others are following you, or that you are watching over and protecting someone else. May symbolize the power of love within us. (read all at source)
Shepherd - Jesus Christ; pastor, leader (good or bad); selfless person; protector
Twins - Positive: double blessing or anointing; Negative: double trouble... (read all at source)
German shepherd
To see a German shepherd in your dream, highlights your protective instincts and attentiveness to a situation. This is no time for you to be nervous and/or lose control. (read all at source)
To see shepherds in your dreams watching their flocks, indicates bounteous crops and pleasant relations for the farmer, also much enjoyment and profit for others.
To see them in idleness, foretells sickness and bereavement.. (read all at source)
Shepherd-this is a reference to Christ or a pastor, Ps. 23:1
Shield-symbolizes faith in Christ and God's faithfulness to His servants, Eph. 6:16, Ps. 28:7. A small shield is symbolic of God’s arsenal of weapons against His enemies, Ps. 35:2... (read all at source)
shepherd a mystical and spiritual figure; leaving the flock; leadership abilities indicated; self-reliance; the Good Shepherd. Who are you following?
shield guarding; protection; a badge; a large geological piece of Canada. How can you defend yourself against negative comments? (read all at source)
Example: The shepherd's has a staff. He takes the staff and reaches out beyond the periphery of the cave to the pew in the church where I am kneeling and crooks the staff around my neck, pulling me inside the cave. At first I am frightened and pull away from him. (read all at source)
Venus & Beyond (Jessica Shepherd)
Sex & the Galaxy (D. Light)
Financial Astrology (Marjorie Orr)
Jungian Astrology (Sherene Schostak)
Your Career & the Cosmos (Jo Tracey)
Ask Astro-Auntie (Kosmic Kelly)
Explore Your Dreams (Cathy Pagano)
Astrology for Artists (Hudson Comet)... (read all at source)
that is, German shepherd, Irish setter, or French poodle? This may indicate that you have an affiliation with that particular country. You may have a desire to visit the country, or you may associate an aspect of the country with yourself. Do you hunger for companionship, or does someone you know? (read all at source)
I currently own a Dog who is 3/4 White German Shepherd and 1/4 Timber Wolf. I had a dream last night that my dog and I were traveling alone on on a dirt road that went through a forest. (read all at source)
When you see the shepherds staff, this refers to either the Great Shepherd (being Jesus) but most often it is a representation of the pastoral ministry. If I see a shepherd's staff in personal ministry then I know that the Lord has called this person to the pastoral ministry. (read all at source)
There are distinct references to Christ as a shepherd, and also as a fisher of men. Your dream seems to have combined these two concepts - the net is fishing for sheep. Now, as to why specifically rams, I'm not completely sure. (read all at source)
According to Rowena and Rupert Shepherd in their book,1000 Symbols: What Shapes Mean in Art and Myththe square is a symbol of the heart in Islam. Each side of the heart-square symbolizes an aspect or opening for awareness and inspiration:
Divine... (read all at source)
"For the household gods utter nonsense, and the diviners see lies; they tell false dreams and give empty consolation. Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for lack of a shepherd."... (read all at source)
unbelief; Christian or group of Christians walking in sin; the cursed, scapegoat or goat of removal showing that our sins have been removed as far as the east is from the west; opposite of lambs; carriers of sin; our need to obtain forgiveness of sin; mixed with sheep, but not called the shepherds... (read all at source)
May we not suppose that such might have been the origin in antiquity of the fable of Endymion-Endymion the shepherd, lapped in perpetual slumber, for whom the goddess Selene, that is, the moon, is smitten with love while he sleeps? (read all at source)
The number of Ushpizzin (also known as the "Seven Shepherds") who visit the sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and David. (read all at source)
Seeing a shepherd in your dream, symbolizes the nurturing aspect of yourself. It represents guidance, direction, and unification. (read all at source)
The god of shepherds and hunters of ancient Greece, the inventor of the flute. Joy and nature. Gaining a broader outlook on life. Wash gold, seek the true nature of things. Prepare food, to nurture the idea of.
Pan from mythology - a reflection of nature, joy, light-heartedness. (read all at source)
Shepherd or wild dog means unknown enemy - If the dreamer see the dog, which is or just looks like shepherd or wild dog, then this dream announces that the enemy is unknown to the dreamer and even might come from foreign countries;... (read all at source)