Shelves dreams by DreamMean
To see empty shelves in dreams, indicates losses and consequent gloom.
Full shelves, augurs happy contentment through the fulfillment of hope and exertions. See Store.
Yes, I am talking about you, who stacks the shelves in a supermarket for hardly any reward; you the farm labourer who with good will provides for so many; the housewife and mother who gives her very body to raising children and often alone and unrewarded carries on. (read all at source)
Shelves-symbolic of things you need to put away for a sea�son
Shepherd-this is a reference to Christ or a pastor, Ps. 23:1... (read all at source)
To see shelves of polished dishes, denotes success in marriage.
To dream of dishes, is prognostic of coming success and gain, and you will be able to fully appreciate your good luck. Soiled dishes, represent dissatisfaction and an unpromising future.
See Crockery... (read all at source)
Late this co-worker went back to stacking shelves effectively demoting herself. Fighting like crazy symbolised this tension that the dreamer sensed.
Example dream : A dream where the dreamers mother was being driven crazy by her son was linked to something from the day before. (read all at source)
To see shelves of polished dishes, suggests that you are doing your best and making the best out of a situation. You are trying to make a good impression.
To see broken dishes in your dream, signifies feelings of poverty, lack, and inadequacy. (read all at source)
(Secretary) In a dream, shelves represent one's confidant, the keeper of his secrets, one's secretary, one who veils noble women's personal pitfalls, or one who creates a facade for some charitable women. (read all at source)
It was dark and peaceful, I felt a feeling of pride and peace there, looking at the shelves full of huge books taking entire walls. I went to a brighter part of the library and found a small and very old clock. Looked like it wasn't working for a long time. (read all at source)
You will be able to expand their past "on the shelves", consider the mistakes, noting advantages, highlight priorities for further conquest of vital tops. During this period, you can also start any project - you will all work out. (read all at source)
as I was walking then I realised that the surface was very down and that the sheves were wet and I then said to myself it would be better I sit and so that I dont fall here and I sat and at the same time moving with my bum until I was on the other side and I then stood there and jerked the shelves... (read all at source)
To see fresh groceries in your dream, or to go shopping at a grocery store, symbolizes abundance, ease and comfort. If you dream of shopping in a grocery store with empty shelves, you feel hopelessness about your life right now.
Groom... (read all at source)
To be in a crockery store, indicates, if you are a merchant or business man, that you will look well to the details of your business and thereby experience profit. To a young woman, this dream denotes that she will marry a sturdy and upright man. An untidy store, with empty shelves, implies loss. (read all at source)