Dream Interpretation/My shed
I dreamt that I was standing outside the back door of my house watching my shed being robbed by an unknown man and his two young children. They were not threatening to me. (read all at source)
A garden path symbolizes your colon. A garden shed also symbolizes your colon.
Garden trees indicate your reproductive system - family tree.
Garden gnomes due to their shape indicate your kidneys. (read all at source)
An elm tree that has shed its leaves or an elm tree that has been uprooted can represent a personal dispute.
If you dream of a very tall elm tree, your unconscious could be warning you that you are being too enthusiastic about something.
See also Tree... (read all at source)
shed discarding old ideas and patterns of relating to people; changes in personality and priorities; a place where you have been keeping and storing parts of yourself for later use; shedding blood. What old, limiting beliefs are you ready to shed? (read all at source)
" I'm in my shed and go to bed. In the morning I wake up and go to the front door to take a look outside and when I open the door my property is littered with skyscrapers and flash houses. I think to myself, 'you assholes!'"
"Why do you believe you had that reaction?"... (read all at source)
Many religions shed their head of hair as an indication of renouncing material existence. Losing your red hair in your dream means that your physical and spiritual strength will be tested.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life... (read all at source)
Love; Front: facing life or the future; Back: colon, influences from the past. Basement: uterus; Path: colon; Shed: colon; Trees: Reproductive system; Gnomes-Kidneys.
See also: Queen , Labor , Ideal , Vehicle , Zora Neale Hurston
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
Sullenness If Shed blood;
Health If Spitting beautiful red blood;
Worries If Spitting dark and foul-smelling - When you spit dark and foul-smelling blood in the dream , it is like a bad sign about big troubles;... (read all at source)
as in the strength which comes to use through the blood shed by Christ) Cayce (900-327). Blouse 1. the thought or intent taken toward others (195-60). 2. the attitudes and understandings of life that one "wears" Cayce (900-160, A-15). (read all at source)
(Abattoir) A slaughterhouse in a dream represents loss of lives, the return of souls to their Lord, bloodshed, skinning animals, or it could mean fetidness. (read all at source)
Jesus was willing to suffer and shed His blood for us by dying on the cross to wash our sins away. Red also means life and to be alive. The blood that is red in our body's keeps us alive. Red can also mean the shedding of blood as in war or murder. (read all at source)
In the Celtic tradition, the snake's ability to shed its skin made it a symbol of rebirth. They could also stand for fertility due their large number of progeny. The Celts also used them to represent the creation process, and of course, they figure in the Biblical creation story as well. (read all at source)
They shed their skins after a time of growth - casting off the old and revealing bright, shiny newness after the shed. And so in this transition, our Celtic ancestors recognized a theme of rebirth. (read all at source)
Other symbols in the dream could shed light on what it is.
3. If the dreamer is neither pregnant nor the parent of a daughter, yet in the dream she has a daughter, this could indicate that the dreamer will start a new creative project soon. (read all at source)
This is a bad dream. The dreamer is sure to shed tears and weep. For a young woman to dream that she is affronted, denotes that some unfriendly person will take advantage of her ignorance to place her in a compromising situation with a stranger, or to jeopardize her interests with a friend. (read all at source)
This is a bad dream. The dreamer is sure to shed tears and weep. For a young woman to dream that she is affronted, interpret that some unfriendly person will take advantage of her ignorance to place her in a compromising situation with a stranger, or to jeopardize her interests with a friend. (read all at source)
I have twice asked my dream guides or my higher self before I've gone to bed to send me dreams that shed light on him and our relationship because, for some reason, I keep feeling that I can't trust him. (read all at source)
The different types of fish or creature and its Color, can shed light on how you are currently connecting with information from the unconscious. ‘A fish out of water’ is a symbol of the uncertainty you may feel in integrating your authentic nature with what is expected of you. (read all at source)
To see or wear jewelry - shed tears. Find - a dream means that their troubles are to blame only yourself. Give - to resentment that hurt you get hurt. Stealing - is coming loss.
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse... (read all at source)
To see newspapers in your dream, signifies that new light and insight will be shed on a problem that has been on your mind. You are seeking knowledge and answers to a problem. Alternatively, to see newspapers in your dream, implies that you need to be more vocal and express yourself. (read all at source)
To dream that you are cleaning out a desk implies that you have decided to shed unfavourable pressures and instead follow a new path. You now comprehend the fact that you have options and choices to make; you are not stuck in the same rut. (read all at source)
Light has been shed on a once cloudy situation or problem. You have found the truth to a situation or an answer to a problem. To see a bright light in your dream, indicates that you need to move toward a higher level of awareness and feeling. (read all at source)
I was out with a bunch of my friends and this guy was with us, i found him attractive so we flirted a lil, we were playin a prank on some grumpy old man & we all broke into his shed which had all these spiders & different bugs in it, we were all messing around then the old man came & chased us out,... (read all at source)
To see a glow - or any glowing object - in your dream, symbolizes enlightenment. New light has been shed onto a situation and you have gained a fresh perspective. Therefore any dream which features a bright or pleasant glow predicts a swift improvement in all that deeply concerns you.
Glue... (read all at source)
According to African legend, death entered the world in the following way: Long ago, people were able to shed their skins, like a snake. Everyone did this and lived forever, renewing their youth. (read all at source)
Crimson - When dreaming of the color crimson the bible describes this color as being the shed of Christ blood for the remission of sins, (for the blood is the life). The bible also illustrates this color as fine materials.
... (read all at source)
If you see silk handkerchiefs, it denotes that your pleasing and magnetic personality will shed its radiating cheerfulness upon others, making for yourself a fortunate existence. (read all at source)
2 Samuel 20:10 "But Amasa took no heed to the sword that [was] in Joab's hand: so he smote him with it in the fifth [rib], and shed out his bowels to the ground, and struck him not again; and he died." (GMR)
See also: Knife, Sword, Dart
DARKNESS... (read all at source)
Last night I had a dream all my teeth fell out I have never had a dream like this before and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on it for me! What does it mean?? (read all at source)
To dream of snakes, is most often seen as a foreboding of evil however a snake can also be a sign of reformation, change and rebirth due to its ability to shed its skin... (read all at source)
Or did something take your breath away. Once you’ve shed your tears always remember that there is absolutely no use crying over spilt milk. Try saying this to yourself as you fall asleep, the past is history, the future is a mystery and the presents a gift. (read all at source)
Dreaming - In a dream symbolizes an awareness of the dream state, or an unconscious awareness of something that was once unknown. This is a good time to take control of your dream and ask any questions that might shed new light about yourself. (read all at source)
Holding a lantern or seeing one in your dream means you'd like to shed some light on a current issue. Perhaps you're aware that you're not getting the whole truth.
lap... (read all at source)
Seeing a shed in your dream, suggests that you are not utilizing your full abilities and skills. You are letting your potential go to waste. (read all at source)
Snake shed their skin when they grow, leaving behind the old during their transformation process.
Interpretation hint: Snakes are great symbols for personal transformation; look at what's changing in your life or in yourself or what you hope to change or leave behind in order to move on. (read all at source)