Sharks dream meaning

I have had a number of dreams about sharks circlng me. In one of my dreams my children and I were floating in the ocean with some friends. Their kids were just floating freely in the ocean, and it made me nervous. I was tightly holding on to my two children. (read all at source)

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Sharks have a way of instilling fear because of their razor sharp teeth. They can represent aggressive behavior that operates unconsciously below the surface, threatening ‘to tear you apart. (read all at source)

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A dream with sharks can suggest that you need to focus more on your goals, filter out distractions in your life, or be more tenacious. Alternatively, the dream can imply ..Read more →
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dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Please remember that the water in your dreams may be a statement about your emotions and the unconscious. Sharks, water-dwelling animals, could represent unpleasant emotions or difficult and painful materials coming up from the unconscious. (read all at source)

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Sharks have been swimming in my awareness, and I love when this happens because it's a clear sign my energy is primed for focus - it's time to ruminate and write about shark totem symbolism. Shark also confirms self-trust, and a points me into forward momentum in my life. (read all at source)

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Sharks are ideal predators, meaning that they have no organic opponents of their own. Dreaming of a shark may show that you feel unprotected and prone around people or in situations that are out of your league. (read all at source)

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To dream of sharks, could denote formidable enemies.
To see a shark pursuing and attacking you, could denote that unavoidable reverses will sink you into despondent foreboding. (read all at source)

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To dream of sharks denotes formidable enemies. Some troubles shall try to sink you more into depression.
In a dream, the ship symbolizes the unconscious process of life's journey. (read all at source)

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To dream of sharks, interpret formidable enemies.
To see a shark pursuing and attacking you, interpret that unavoidable reverses will sink you into dispondent foreboding. (read all at source)

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Bears are also like sharks and lions. If you saw a lion then you would definitely try to avoid it. Think of something you have been trying to avoid? A bear could also symbolise your attempts to take on more than you can cope with. (read all at source)

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Shark Sharks in dreams represent a person you see as greedy and cold. Because this could be yourself in some cases, this dream can also mean that you are feeling angry with yourself or others. (read all at source)

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THE DREAM - I was in some kind of tropical area that had deep enough water/channels between land masses that sharks would be able to swim between. In the dream, I was responsible for confronting the sharks and explaining to them that they needed to return to their normal habitat in deep water. (read all at source)

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I knew that a beast would soon come out of the sea, like sharks to blood. Then I could see something was pushing against the tent wall for it was shaking with a noise. Then I saw the backside of the large elephant appear from the curtain wall. (read all at source)

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Sharks are the scavengers and vultures of the deep sea. Does the shark in your dream indicate that you feel surrounded by scavengers and opportunists who want to overpower and consume you? A whole heap of inedible objects are found in sharks’ stomachs, including spare tires and hubcaps. (read all at source)

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derived feature, shared memory, shared out, Shared Time Repair of Big Electronic Systems, shareholder, shareholding, share-out, shareowner, sharer, shareware, Sharewort, Sharezer, Shari, Shari River, sharing, sharing clusters, shark oil, shark repellent, Sharker, Sharking, shark-liver oil, sharkskin,... (read all at source)

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trees crucifix patio willow caught unknown bodies slap light fruit ticket belongings wheels tomb position stillborn arguement iguana trailer west paranormal spirits breasts sharks planning friendly womb with anymore motorcycle
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I have had 2 dreams regarding monkeys, sharks and the wild involving 2 kids that are not my sisters but I know them. (read all at source)

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