Shape dream meaning

diamond shape dream symbol
diamond shape
Something diamond-shaped might represent:... (read all at source)

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Random shapes and images often show up during twilight sleep when you are dropping off to sleep or waking up. These can seem like they carry significant meaning when they actually do not. (read all at source)

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Various shapes can show up in dreams and are usually abstract representations of our own inner globe. Each has a specific mean; therefore, below is a more detailed interpretation for each. (read all at source)

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cloud shaped angels and jesus dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)

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Star - Shapes - Dream Symbols
A star has been a mystical symbol for thousands of years. It is also a religious one. Stars were used by sailors to navigate by, and they guided the wise men to the baby Jesus. (read all at source)

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I said to myself that maybe it was the ring natural shape. But I was seduced by the whole look of it and decided to wear it on my finger for a minute. Then I finally said to myself that it was not right not even asking if it was someone's ring. (read all at source)

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A circle represents wholeness and closure, and like the crescent, is associated with femininity or sensitivity. (read all at source)

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Ball-shaped :
If you felt anything ball-shaped in your body is this a bad dream. It is usually a warning telling you to go to a doctor as soon as possible. It can also mean a scandal in the close future. If you dreamt about anything outside of your body that was ball-shaped is this a good sign. (read all at source)

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Round (Shape) - Spiritual: Grace; mercy; forgiveness; compassion; approximate. (Leviticus 19:27)
Rowing- Work: Earnest prayer; spiritual labor; working out life's problems. (See Bicycle) (Mark 6:48; Philippians 2: 30)... (read all at source)

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Simple Shape Symbolism (a perfect start for your symbol calligraphy art projects)
Heart Symbol Meaning
More about me... (read all at source)

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Shapes and Symbols These are a visual presentation of our own internal or psychological structure. Because the mind and emotions in some ways appear so abstract, it is difficult to have a clear image of our differences compared […] More
Sapphire See Sapphire under Jewels More... (read all at source)

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If the shape of your nose changes, then it means that things won't go smoothly.
To dream that you have two noses, foretells that someone will pick quarrel with you. (read all at source)

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Unusual shape or size - you will hear the relevant authorities or competitors: by phone or listening device installed somewhere. If your ears, then you have at home, if other people - in the office. (read all at source)

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The spherical shape of a globe can represent something that is cyclical. It can represent an event that takes place over and over, or a habit that you cannot break.
The globe can also represent the cycle of life and death. (read all at source)

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sculpture to shape out; to design and build; carving out your future; appreciating beauty; forming beauty from raw materials. What are you sculpting out for yourself? (read all at source)

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If he comes in the shape of wealth or power, you will fail to use your influence for harmony, or the elevation of others.
If he takes the form of music, you are likely to go down before his wiles. (read all at source)

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Such a life appeared to the Holy Prophet in the shape of a woman when he ascended beyong heaven, one night, to meet Allah. Hence the belief that women are temptation and intrigue. Similarly, worldly life was seen by many people in their dreams as an old, imperfect woman. (read all at source)

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glass, laminated wood, lance, lap, lash, lay on, lay open, lay out, layout, leach, leaf, leak, leap, leave, leave loose ends, leave of absence, leave undone, leaving, leg-pull, lentigo, lesion, lessen, lessening, let alone, let be, let dangle, let go, let have it, level, lick, lick into shape, line,... (read all at source)

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She had been watching TV programs which argued that the entire course of human history was shaped by aliens from outer space. Dreaming of a 'college' was linked to her enthusiastic studying of this new interest. (read all at source)

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Freud saw in the flowers a female symbol, because its flowers are cup-shaped, and it creeps into the bee to pollinate it. The flower could also stand for an idea that you have brought to bear. Wild growing flowers emphasize natural, simple beauty and disdain for artificial flower beds. (read all at source)

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If you dream of admiring well-shaped feminine legs, you will lose your judgment, and act very silly over some fair charmer.
To see misshapen legs, could denote unprofitable occupations and ill-tempered comrades.
A wounded leg, foretells losses and agonizing attacks of malaria. (read all at source)

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Because of its rounded shape, an apple in a dream can represent something that is cyclical, such as the cycle of the seasons or the cycle of life and death. An apple can be a symbol of wholeness and completion. (read all at source)

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Like cars, boats in dreams can come in all sizes, shapes, and degrees of power. If you are rowing or sailing your own boat, you feel in control of a situation or transition. If you are a passenger on a ferry or other boat, you don't feel you can control what happens. (read all at source)

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The notion of this universe, its heavens, hells, and everything within it, as a great dream dreamed by a single being in which all the dream characters are dreaming too, has in India enchanted and shaped the entire civilization. (read all at source)

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Transportationtop list
Spiritual advancement. The more efficient the mode, the more effective and rapid is the advancement. The rocket would be the most rapid and the highest traveling. Crawling would be among the least effective. (read all at source)

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If you dream of a well-shaped and well-defined nose, something that has been obscured will suddenly become clear to you - "as plain as the nose on your face."
2. (read all at source)

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I had a dream last night that I was pregnant (which i am, about 6 weeks), but my stomach was a really odd shape, like the head of the baby was protuding through under the skin. All of a sudden it pushed itself through and came out, as if giving birth near my belly button. (read all at source)

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It can assume the shape of anything into which it is placed. How the water is depicted in the dream says something about your spiritual side. Our spiritual side is quite often the most neglected aspect of our nature. Spirituality is expression of the soul and not to be confused with religion. (read all at source)

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Change Bodies / Change Shapes
If you dream of swapping minds/bodies with someone, it symbolizes that you are trying to understand that person better. (read all at source)

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To see or work with clay in your dream, represents creativity and the ability to shape your mind. It may also mean that you are able to manipulate things to your advantage. Alternatively, it indicates your need to set some goals and plans for yourself. (read all at source)

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The symbols of the dream caught this mood:Elvis getting old and out of shape watching a bank of TVs; Terry Marsh a play on words linking to swamp like territory and with that a mood stuck in the mud. The weird clothes was symbolic of how the dreamer saw himself - worrying that he looked weird. (read all at source)

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I dreamed that my mother's luggage was fashioned in the shape of a huge, pink poodle. I lifted it by the awkward woolly handle. "It's no good, they will never let us in the airplane with that ridiculous thing" I said as I looked down into its black beady eyes. (read all at source)

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However, if you dream your hand is in the shape of a fist, this can be symbolic of hostility and power. If you dream that your hands are hurt, you may be feeling that someone has attacked your ego. (read all at source)

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It is sometimes a long rod without any shape. When I see this I know that the Lord is referring to the rod that breaks the foundation. In the old days before modern technology, they would break an old foundation using a rod. (read all at source)

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Existent in all of nature and reproduced in artistic works or physical structures, basic geometric shapes refer to our own basic nature; our connection with nature or the universe; the way our inner or outer worlds are shaped. Shape or form is often a symbolic way of connecting spiritual or physical. (read all at source)

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Alternatively, it may represent your preoccupation with your physical shape and appearance. The dream may also be a pun for "wait". To dream that you are losing weight, indicates that you are no longer being weighed down. It is as if something has been lifted off your shoulders. (read all at source)

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If snakes turn into unnatural shapes, you will have troubles which will be dispelled if treated with indifference, calmness and will power.
To see or step on snakes while wading or bathing, denotes that there will be trouble where unalloyed pleasure was anticipated. (read all at source)

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Addition: To dream of pondering over addition, denotes that you will have a struggleto overcome difficult situations, which will soon prominently assumeformidable shapes in your business transactions. (read all at source)

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A dream featuring triangular shapes or forms forecasts beneficial conditions and opportunities that you would do well to exploit.... Continue dream interpretation - Triangle"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Tripe... (read all at source)

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If your own legs are clean and well shaped, it denotes a happy future
and devoted friends.
If you drink lemonade in a dream, you will concur with others
in signifying some entertainment as a niggardly device to raise
funds for the personal enjoyment of others at your expense. (read all at source)

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The constant dwelling of the mind upon certain things distorts their shapes upon subjectivity, thus throwing dreams in exactly opposite channels to the waking reality. (read all at source)

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Potter’s wheel-symbolic of being molded or shaped, Jer. 18:6 NLT
Pottery-symbolic of a godly vessel, Isa. 64:8. If you see bro�ken pottery it means you have lost your strength, Ps. 22:15
Praise-singing to the Lord in a dream symbolizes a godly person, Ps. 30:4... (read all at source)

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To see a person's head in your dream, and it is well-shaped and prominent, you will meet persons of power and vast influence who will lend you aid in enterprises of importance.
If you dream of your own head, you are threatened with nervous or brain trouble. (read all at source)

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Clay - The ability {or inability} to shape things as you wish to. Creativity. According to Freudian perspective, clay symbolizes feces. This may mean a wasteful use of important qualities in your life.
Cleaners - The cleansing of the outer self. A need to clean up your act. (read all at source)

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Cherries: Cherries are thought of as voluptuous in shape and taste. As a representation of the erogenous zones of the body, cherries hint at sexual adventures. Cherries on a tree in a dream may be an indication of trouble brewing in a business sense. (read all at source)

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To dream of seeing a cross, indicates trouble ahead for you.
Shape your affairs accordingly.
Cross Roads Cross-bones Croup Crow Crowd Crown Crucifix Crucifixion Cruelty Crust Crutches Crying Crystal Cuckoo Cucumber Bequest Stethoscope Splinter Reapers Lemonade... (read all at source)

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Your image of yourself is beautiful, immaculate and in very good shape. There might be parts of yourself that frighten you or haunt you. The red room could represent anger or danger. You might be afraid of your own anger and know you 'really don't have to use it'. (read all at source)

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A dream with the letter X or arms and legs in the shape of an X symbolizes potential or change. It can also imply that you are aware of your ..Read more →
X-RAYS / X-RAY VISION ... (read all at source)

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If the lake is calm, your love life is probably in such good shape that you feel safe. Stormy water means to strap yourself in and get ready for a bumpy ride. If you see a monster in the water, your unconscious may be suggesting that you have competition (or some unseen issue or problem). (read all at source)

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I looked at the building that was burning, at what appeared to be the shape of a gymnasium. I saw bright red on the doorways, trim, and foundation pillars .It was a great and beautiful building. Smoke poured out the windows and I looked into the smoke. I saw young men like angels. (read all at source)

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The appearance of a bear in a dream is a good example of dream interpretation as being culturally shaped. For most of us, bears are not very good companions, and they represent ill-temperament. The exception is in Native American traditions. (read all at source)

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In physical essence the cup in ritual is often crescent shaped. This symbolism links it to the moon, another feminine aspect—the sacred vessel, the womb.
There are many symbolic references to the feminine, the Holy Grael being one of them. (read all at source)

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Popular Expressions: Lick something into shape; Cop it sweet; a lick and a promise
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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