Dream interpretation - Shadow
Secret. Ghost. Remnant. Part of your world needs to be illuminated.... Continue dream interpretation - Shadow"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Shakers... (read all at source)
Shadow dreams include a stalker, intruder or other frightening monster hiding in the shadows, stalking you or attempting to break into your home. (read all at source)
Seeing you own shadow in your dream means an aspect of yourself which you have not acknowledged or recognized. It may be a quality about yourself or a part of you that you are rejecting or want to keep hidden. These qualities may not necessary be negative, but can be creative ones. (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Under the sun, in the dark, or otherwise.) In a dream, a shadow represents changes affecting one's life in the world and his elevation or abasement. (read all at source)
Scariest Shadow People Encounters
Your True Tales - August 2005 - Page 29 - Darting Shadow Figures
Critique Corner Gallery - Closing Time by Andrew F
Points of Conflict
Portrait Painting Tip -- Focus on Distinctive Features... (read all at source)
Shadowtop list
The Subconscious; insubstantiality.Hidden or covert patterns attempting to surface or cause problems.
Shiptop list
A vessel that moves among the intuition, emotions and insight... (read all at source)
Shadow-symbolic of being in the presence of God, Ps. 36:7. A shadow can symbolize a demonic presence or death de�pending on the emotion associated with the dream, Ps. 44:19, Ps. 23:4
Shaking-symbolic of fear, Isa. 7:2
Shaking hands-symbolic of agreement... (read all at source)
Shadow Strangers
These are strangers of the same gender as the dreamer who possess the negative attributes of the dreamer. Most often, these negatives are presented in extremes. It is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. (read all at source)
To see you own shadow in your dream, signifies a hidden aspect of yourself. It may indicate someone who ahs considerable influence over you. (read all at source)
Shadow. Most authorities seem to agree that to be aware of your own shadow in a dream is a sign of a beneficial legal matter, likely to be an inheritance or legacy. However, if the shadows were not your own, their meaning must be gleaned by correlating the other details of your dream. (read all at source)
A dream where there is a shadow suggests that you are being self-critical, looking at parts of yourself that you are unhappy with or discovering things about yourself you wasn't consciously aware ..Read more →
SHARK ... (read all at source)
Your shadow and conscience When dreamer is conscious that something is invisible in his dream, this represents as a prompt, just simply to perceive the picture without interpreting it immediately. (read all at source)
The Shadow - This archetype represents the dark (e.g. "evil) figure within dreams and is indicative of the dreamer's fears and phobias within their unconscious. Often the shadow is symbolised by danger (e.g. vicious animals, violence, and aggression). (read all at source)
Your own shadow: Your higher Self participates with you. Your counterpart (shadow) personality that you are trying to integrate with.
Emotional threat to self or other person. (read all at source)
Secret. Ghost. Remnant. Part of your world needs to be illuminated.
Shell... (read all at source)
shadow archetype making itself known. This could refl ect a
problem in your life wanting to be recognized.
starvation: Something within yourself or in your life that is... (read all at source)
'Shadows' Dreams of Sex Sex of Dreams Other Dictionaries
iVillage... (read all at source)
Secret knowledge
Psychic awareness
We gather these symbolic attributes because night creatures conduct their life-sustaining activities in complete darkness. (read all at source)
see also: shadow gloomy
categories: Conditions
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
All About Shadow People
Indigo Adult Characteristics
Native American Animal Symbols Of The Zodiac... (read all at source)
The Serpent's Shadow (The Kane Chronicles, Book Three)
Fantasy and magic make this thrilling conclusion to the Kane Chronicles a best seller to inspire your dreams and their interpretation.
Check out The Serpent's Shadow.
Dream Interpretation Resources... (read all at source)
- "a shadow of its former self" (a ghost may depict someone who is a shadow of their former self - the ghost suggests this new phase lacking life and energy)
- "worry that was lurking" (a ghost lurks in the background just like worries that lie at the back of our minds)... (read all at source)
A bath can represent your uterus. This is because water represents life and a bath is a vessel that holds water. For the same reason a bath drain can represent your cervix. A dark shadow coming from the bath drain can indicate a condition such as endometriosis. (read all at source)
Can be one's own shadow self that you haven't dealt with.
empty - What you expected doesn't exist.
engagement - A future desire. In anticipation of a known coming event. Can be a prophetic message about the future.
escape - Desire to find a way out of a situation or circumstances. (read all at source)
The pursuer usually represents a fearful aspect of our shadow, and hence an exaggerated version of a denied or inhibited portion of our own personality that would benefit us if integrated and appropriately expressed. More... (read all at source)
iced branches and wires, studded with huge icicles, foreshadow the temporary difficulties and illness, which will take on his feet. Suck or chew on ice or ice water to drink - to bad news from distant relatives. (read all at source)
I started to ask what was going on and he asked me to come to the edge of the yard where the shadows were.. So I walked into the shadows with him and he pulled out a gun, shoving it into my chest over my heart. I looked at his face and it was all twisted, with anger and frustration, he was crying. (read all at source)
Example: He said that there was a large puma that sometimes jumped out on you unexpectedly from the shadows, and you needed a knife to protect yourself. Having said that he handed me such a knife, knowing somehow that I had come to explore the house of my ancestors. (read all at source)
We were chums in the sense that we were almost constantly together, both at school and at home, and among the partnerships we formed was one of having amateur shadowgraph and panoramic shows in the basement of Willie's home. (read all at source)
Are the two opposing forces you and your shadow? In other words, are you battling with an aspect of yourself that you’d prefer to ignore? Think about this battle that’s taking place within you. If you forgive yourself can it be resolved?Is it a battle between you and a loved one? (read all at source)
Dreaming of a shadowy, ominous, perhaps unseen enemy is calling your attention to your own shadow side. A part of you is keeping you from attaining certain goals. To deduce what part it is, look to other symbols in the dream.
3. Dreaming of several enemies is a dream of contrary. (read all at source)
It represents enlightenment, lifting of shadow, the acquisition of understanding and knowledge, and a positive force. Depending on the details of the dream, you may give the light spiritual or physical meaning. (read all at source)
An aspect of yourself, possibly your shadow, that threatens to rob you of important energy if not attended to, some way you have been emotionally robbed. Consider what thethief is attempting to take. (read all at source)
To dream that you are undressing, foretells, scandalous gossip will overshadow you. For a woman to dream that she sees the ruler of her country undressed, signifies sadness will overtake anticipated pleasures. She will suffer pain through the apprehension of evil to those dear to her. (read all at source)
My favorite interpretation is a personal revelation the Lord gave me concerning hiding in the shadow of His wings. I saw myself standing alone, facing the many attacks and pressures that I am used to facing daily. Then I saw a huge eagle come and stand behind me and extend its wings. (read all at source)
We were like siamese twins she was a year older than i she called ME her little shadow!!! I have had a couple dreams about her since. She died in a car wreck. I had a dream right after placing ME in the car while she had a wreck showing that she dropped a cd, lost control and wrecked!... (read all at source)
What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story, And the greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.
See also: Bailiff , Jackdaw , Nap , Madness , James Dean
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
To kill one, interpret that you will defeat sly enemies who seek to overshadow you with disgrace. To hear the howl of a wolf, discovers to you a secret alliance to defeat you in honest competition.
To dream of women, foreshadows intrigue. (read all at source)
bully good for you; shadow side of the warrior, which comes out when the fear is denied. What do you have to prove?
bum tired out; you've had enough; just hanging around; seeing the back or end of someone. Who is getting the 'bum's rush'? (read all at source)
To feel that you are unknown, denotes that strange things will cast a shadow of ill luck over you.
To dream that you are supporting an urgent petition, is a sign that you will engage in some affair which will need fine financiering to carry it through successfully. (read all at source)
To see demons in your dream, represents ignorance, negativity, distress or your shadow self. It also forewarns of overindulgence and letting lust give way to your better judgment. As a result, your physical and mental health may suffer. (read all at source)
Dream Symbols: dream is in black & white, hallway, shadows, skyscraper, door, shooting, dead, window, running, hospital, enemies, frozen, doctors, alley, car, death scream, red.
Dream Symbols: naked, bed, feet, mice, #8, feet on ground. (read all at source)
To dream that you have a suntan, signifies the shadow aspect of yourself. It represents your primal instincts and natural senses. It is also indicative of hard work and owning up to your responsibilities. (read all at source)
To see illuminated human figures or animals in the heavens, denotes failure and trouble; dark clouds overshadow fortune. To see them fall to the earth and men shoot them with guns, many troubles and obstacles will go to nought before your energy and determination to rise. (read all at source)
To visit a vineyard which is not well-kept and filled with bad odors,
denotes disappointment will overshadow your most sanguine anticipations.
To dream that any person does you violence, denotes that you
will be overcome by enemies. (read all at source)
If a woman's sister appears in her dream, she represents the dreamer's unconscious shadow. In a man's dream, his sister is a symbol of female aspects.
Sky... (read all at source)
If it be a funeral procession, sadness is fast approaching, and will throw a shadow around pleasures.
To see or participate in a torch-light procession, denotes that you will engage in gaieties which will detract from your real merit. (read all at source)
Wolf To dream of a wolf, shows that you have a thieving person in your employ, who will also betray secrets. To kill one, denotes that you will defeat sly enemies who seek to overshadow you with disgrace. (read all at source)
To dream of a procession, denotes that alarming fears will possess you relative to the fulfilment of expectations. If it be a funeral procession, sorrow is fast approaching, and will throw a shadow around pleasures. (read all at source)
If the leopard is attacking you, something from your shadow side needs to surface. You need to face your fears. If someone close to you is in your dream, you may feel that person is not as constant or committed as you believe - he may 'change his spots' and hurt you emotionally in the process. (read all at source)
Though if you do happen to get a chase dream randomly its your unconscious way of tell your conscious to wake up and smell the coffee. If you can figure out the diamond that is lurking in the shadows in the chase dream you will have a better understanding figuring out yourself. (read all at source)
To see people from your past in your dream refers to your shadow and other unacknowledged aspects of yourself. Photograph If your photograph is taken in a dream, someone is being deceptive in your real life. (read all at source)
Seeing a shadow—meaning an unrecognizable or dark object or figure—can mean many things. Consider the context of the shadow and how you feel about it. (read all at source)
The shadow generally haunts our dreams and is associated with being an introvert, and if you are an extrovert, then it is time to let go. A shadow is many times a sign of richness and it signifies protection. Seeing a shadow in your dream can foretell good health ahead. (read all at source)