Seat Belt dream meaning

Seat belt of the car
The one who who wears a seatbelt in his dream is very responsible person who cares about his being and appearance. Alternatively, the dream can represent imprudence of the one, but only if he does not wear the seat belt. (read all at source)

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Seat belt - When dreaming of a seat belt this could represent a security in one's ministry or personal life depending on how secure or unsecure the seat belt is.
Positive: A seatbelt in a dream could symbolize assurance or safety in one's spiritual or natural life. (Psalms 118:27)... (read all at source)

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Seat Belt
To dream that you are wearing a seat belt in your dream, suggests that you need to work on controlling your emotions. Remain compose and do not fall apart in any situation. (read all at source)

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Washington Car Seat Laws - Child Passenger Safety Laws and Seat Belt Laws in Washington - State Car Seat Laws
Louisiana Car Seat Laws - Child Passenger Safety Laws and Seat Belt Laws in Louisiana - State Car Seat Laws
4 Types of Car Seats for Baby... (read all at source)

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While fastening the seat belt, the plane goes upside down. Although all passengers were taken by surprise, and even though I changed seats just then, I felt secure because of the seat belt I was wearing. (read all at source)

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distributor, exhaust, exhaust pipe, fan, fender, flywheel, gear, gearbox, gearshift, generator, headlight, headrest, hood, horn, ignition, intake, manifold, muffler, parking light, particle accelerator, PCV valve, piston, power brakes, power steering, radiator, rear-view mirror, seat belt,... (read all at source)

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