To see or ride a scooter in your dream, suggests that you are enjoying your position of power.
Scorpion... (read all at source)
Or, a scooter? The type of transport that you see in your dream is a very strong indicator of how fast you feel you’re currently moving towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. (read all at source)
Many boys who live in the country make bows and arrows as they go through a phase of being hunters and attaining manhood. Many youngster go through similar phases as they become independent - so scooter, bicycle and skate board.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Is the archer you or a dream figure? (read all at source)
scooter youthful freedom and excitement; vacation; adventure; independence and flexibility of movement indicated. Who needs more independence? (read all at source)
Seeing or riding a scooter in your dream, suggests that you are enjoying your position of power. (read all at source)