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In general: Scents are associated with feelings. Odors solve much faster than pictures of feelings. A fragrance in a dream suppressed in most cases a "longing for the lost time" from. Great moments want to receive or revived. (read all at source)

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Seeing the gathering of several crescents in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to Mecca. A red crescent in a dream means a miscarriage. If a crescent falls to the earth in a dream, it means a newborn. (read all at source)

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The flavors, delicate scents - dream to deception. If you are in a dream will scent your head - this dream means that you hurt someone's arrogance. If a woman sees such a dream - she should be afraid of her husband's infidelity. (read all at source)

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So what qualities are associated with adolescents? We think of them as being pushy, over confident and unwilling to accept responsibility. So your dream could be your minds way of saying "he is over confident" or "I do not want to be too pushy!" What emotions do we associate with adolescents? (read all at source)

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You can also use soothing nature sounds music, incense ans scents to add to the ambience.
Fill yourself with the fragrance in the air of your happy place. Absorb yourself in the creation of your imagination and become one with it. (read all at source)

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7th Grade might represent adolescents or adolescent behavior. Freshman year might represent fresh starts, or a new phase or environment. (read all at source)

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Whether we have a nuclear war or not, the very threat of war (usually perceived as a nuclear explosion in dreams from which there is no escape) is causing a great deal of anxiety in our populations, especially among children and adolescents whose image of a nuclear future tends to blunt their... (read all at source)

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For reasons that are unknown, males dream of males more often than females dream of males. This sexual asymmetry is universal and has emerged from at least 29 different comparisons of male and female dreams-and it holds true for children, adolescents, and adults in all parts of the world. (read all at source)

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Dreamt your grandmother is over protective.
Dreamed of her death.
Dreamed that your grandparents have behaved inappropriately.
Encountered rivalry in your dream.
Dreamed of your parents looking after your child.
Dreamed of adolescents or being a child. (read all at source)

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