Sardonyx dreams by DreamMean
To dream of sardonyx, signifies gloomy surroundings will be cleared away by your energetic overthrow of poverty. For a woman, this dream denotes an increase in her possessions, unless she loses or throws them away, then it might imply a disregard of opportunities to improve her condition.
Sardonyx - codes of honour, self-control
Topaz - goodness, faithfulness, friendship, love, sagacity
Tourmaline - inspiration, imagination, friendship... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of sardonyx, signifies gloomy surroundings will be cleared away by your energetic overthrow of poverty. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Offspring, Sardonyx, Barber, Pup, Bank, Physician, Bees, Wages, Jubilee, Ivy, Corpulence, Roof, Oak, Plow, Hogs, Moon, Milk, Lamb
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greenish-yellow, greensick, harlequin opal, heliotrope, holly, hyacinth, ivy, ivy-green, jade, jadestone, jargoon, jasper, lapis lazuli, leafy, leaved, moonstone, morganite, olivaceous, olive, olive-green, onyx, opal, peridot, plasma, porraceous, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, sard, sardonyx,... (read all at source)