Dreams are as open to humor as they are to any other part of your personality. Sarcasm is a particularly interesting facet of humor that emphasizes the shortcomings of a person. Consequently, whether you initiate or are the butt of the sarcasm shows something about your place in the dream. (read all at source)
You haven't said much about Greg, and Aaron has some negative traits (sarcasm) and also like's to party. You haven't said anything about your personality, the reason for the break-up, and I don't know you well enough to verify these impressions. (read all at source)
Sometime people flatter people as a way of making a subtle joke - so flattery is actually sarcasm. So a flattery dream may link to you secretly ridiculing you eg "you dress so well for someone who is so poor". Many dreams link to us trying to read peoples true feelings and deciphering body language. (read all at source)
But in reality I was joking around and using sarcasm as a defense against feeling inferior. I was acting like a child; naturally everyone was treating me like one. I had been angry that people were so condescending when I had started the whole thing in the first place. (read all at source)
persiflage, picayune, pilgarlic, pin, pinch of snuff, pinprick, play, play on words, pleasantry, point, poke fun at, prank, pun, put on, quip, quiz, rag, raillery, rally, rallying, rap, razz, red cent, repartee, rib, rib tickler, ride, ridicule, riot, roast, row of pins, rush, sally, sarcasm,... (read all at source)