A dream whereby you are being given merchandise samples denotes that you will see a good increase in your business. If you dream that you are given the choice between one sample or the other will show that you have a decision to make and it will be a complex one. (read all at source)
To see a variety of product samples in your dream, signifies that opportunities will come knocking on your door time and time again. (read all at source)
Sample Persuasive Essay Topics
A Dog's Tale - Mark Twain
Autobiographies of Depression Members
I remember living in Japan - Past Life Memories
4 - Before Adam - Jack London (1876-1916)... (read all at source)
Free Sample Readings
Couples' Composite: Your Life Together
Discover the dynamics of your composite chart, which represents the fusion of your combined energies! What are the inherent tendencies of your... (read all at source)
See also: Samples , Quack Doctor , Wafer , Dagger , Halter
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)
I hope this sample-meditation inspires you to get anchored, and utilize our luscious Earth as a symbol of stability.
Uname Earth Symbol and other Sioux Symbols
Earth Animals... (read all at source)
The following are sample entries.
Friends are familiar aspects of Self. People in dreams represent aspects of Self. Friends are aspects of Self well known to you.
Dict. One who is attached to another by affection; one who has esteem and regard for another. (read all at source)
detective, house detective, house dick, inquirer, inquiry agent, inquisitionist, inquisitor, inspector, interlocutor, interpellator, interrogator, interrogatrix, interviewer, investigator, lictor, lieutenant, mace-bearer, marshal, mounted policeman, MP, narc, officer, operative, opinion-sampler,... (read all at source)
This becomes clearer if we remember that not many years ago it would have appeared highly superstitious or suspect to claim to be able to tell a person details of their health and parentage from a sample of their urine or blood. Today it is common practice. (read all at source)
Your dream means: the blood [means life] sample that had separated and had 8 red large platelets means judgement has come upon your life in a form of a plague [ illness] , and that it had been floating in a light pink serum means that you have been exposed to this plague. (read all at source)
Depends on what the object is that is soft. Some sample meanings include:
Undefined, undecided, or wishy-washy
Low energy
Low self-esteem
Primordial, yet to be determined, or yet to form
Deteriorated or run-down
Unused or out-of-shape
Comfortable or cozy (as in something pleasant like a blanket)... (read all at source)
Buy low-grade gold in a dream, or to examine a sample - to the disappointment in who you are appreciated. To dream of gold - to temptation. Handful of gold - to temptation. A pile of gold - to vice, secret wishes.
Dream Interpretation birthdays in September, October, November... (read all at source)
This Hub only represents a tiny sample of the meanings of dreams the book contains. I believe everyone should have a copy in their household as it has always been incredibly accurate whenever I have referred to it after a particularly vivid dream. (read all at source)
Took a Bath in the juice of Oranges, showing your willingness to be able to be healed in a full body, emotional and even spiritual kind of way.
Found a Grove of Orange Trees and decided to sample the fruit of each one,... (read all at source)
Tibetans believe that only dreams occurring just before dawn are important. They will usually take a patient's pulse and a urine sample during this time as well as ask the patient about their dreams upon waking. Using all this, they will then make a medical diagnosis. (read all at source)
has also been found that the intensity of dream material is affected by whether the person who has sustained the trauma had Life Long Nightmares (LLNM) prior to the trauma, or experienced them only after the trauma, see: ["A comparison of lifelong and posttrauma nightmares in civilian trauma sample:,... (read all at source)
Telescope, Cross Roads, Topaz, Image, Haggard, Veranda, Party, Garlic, Ass, Models, Harp, Rage, Buildings, Abhor, Dark, Tobacco, Juniper, Pyramid, Laboratory, Navy, Cavern or Cave, Hail, High School, Doomsday, Plane, Mortgage, Affluence, Pecans, Fingers, Lizard, Cushion, Gift, Honey, Bishop, Samples,... (read all at source)