Sage dreams by DreamMean
To dream of sage, foretells thrift and economy will be practised by your servants or family. For a woman to think she has too much in her viands, omens she will regret useless extravagance in love as well as fortune.
Seeing sage in your dream means frugality and practicality. Dreaming that you use sage in food means that your extravagant lifestyle will leave you penniless in the end. (read all at source)
A dream of sage is an omen that foretells that your new family will practice thrifty ways and economize where possible. If a woman dreams she has over seasoned her food with it denotes extravagance that will lead to poverty. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of sage, foretells thrift and economy will be practised by your servants or family. For a woman to think she has too much in her viands, omens she will regret useless extravagance in love as well as fortune.. (read all at source)
To see sage in your dream, signifies frugality and practicality. To dream that you use sage in food, signifies that your extravagant lifestyle will leave you penniless in the end.
To see a sailboat in your dream, represents success. (read all at source)
See also: Sage , Face , Malcolm Forbes , Salad , Kettle
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)
Sacrifice Sage Sand Scissors Sea Seasons Self-image Sex Shadow Ship Skeleton Snake Snake-bite Snow Soldiers Spade Spinning Steps Sunrise Sunset Superior Swan Sword ... (read all at source)
Hounds, Cancer, Miser, Rival, Guitar, Uniform, Frost, Pickles, Weevil, Roundabout, Tallow, Dun, Stethoscope, Gems, Triangle, Victory, Admire, Parsnips, Morocco, Pen, Wooden Shoe, Wheat, Ruby, Festival, Pallet, Hominy, Parting, Roof Corner, Bailiff, Brick, Tourist, Arrow, Debt, Daybreak, Till, Sage,... (read all at source)
QUESTION: Dream about my former boyfriend was laying on a chair in the hospital or clinic in a sage green blanket. I was in another room, and notice I put on my shirt and went to him, in the waiting room in the hospital. (read all at source)
The jaybird is a strong totem animal and offers sage advice for those seeking careers in communication or needing help with learning how to speak to others. The key of conversation is active listening, something that the jaybird does well. (read all at source)
"Young people have asked me about the meaning of this dream - says the sage Ptolemy - and I told them in no uncertain terms that this dream - a good sign. Young man, do you find a girl to taste and truly be happy with her married. (read all at source)
However, there are times when seeking clarification from the village sage is appropriate.
Historically, there is an exchange (recompense) for such services. If we have not worked out a fair barter for services, I ask a fair price according to the time I've invested to your needs. (read all at source)
4. The Wise Elder - This is the character of the old man or woman who offers sage-like advice and assistance in times of need. As with The Shadow, the Wise Elder is a common theme in global myths. (read all at source)
Bumper sticker-symbolic of a position you endorse or mes�sage you propagate
Bunny-for many non-Christians a bunny symbolizes luck, fertility, and magical power... (read all at source)
This symbol includes the Shaman, prophet, sage, trickster, doctor, wizard, sorcerer, sorceress, magician, conjurer, and king.
The Magician is also similar to the Alchemist—the agent of change, t... (read all at source)
Do the old people in the dream give you advice? Take it. Your inner sage is telling you what to do. This is also true if you dream of yourself as an aged person. If you dream of an older relative who has already passed on, you may be receiving a visit from the Other Side. (read all at source)