Roof corner dreams by DreamMean
To see a person dressed in mourning sitting on a roof corner, foretells there will be unexpected and dismal failures in your business.
Affairs will appear unfavorable in love.
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Roof corner dreams by DreamMean
To see a person dressed in mourning sitting on a roof corner, foretells there will be unexpected and dismal failures in your business.
Affairs will appear unfavorable in love.
See also related symbols: Turquoise, Railing, Priest, Loaves, Hounds, Cancer, Miser, Rival, Guitar, Uniform, Frost, Pickles, Weevil, Roundabout, Tallow, Dun, Stethoscope, Gems, Triangle, Victory, Admire, Parsnips, Morocco, Pen, Wooden Shoe, Wheat, Ruby, Festival, Pallet, Hominy, Parting, Roof Corner,... (read all at source)