Seeing a robot in your dream indicates that you are going about life in a mechanical and rigid way. You have lost the ability to express your feelings. Alternatively, a robot may symbolize the way you view your working life. (read all at source)
robot doing what you are told; being on automatic; unfeeling. Where in your life are you acting like a robot? (read all at source)
When you dream of a robot or ‘mechanical way of being,’ you may have the sense that you are doing things by routine without fully participating in life. Observe your patterns of behavior and routine to see if the robot can shed light on this aspect of your nature. See Machine. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Control; repetition; efficiency
Popular Expressions: Slave labour; a number’s game... (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation/weird dream about robot.
hi about a year ago i had this dream which i found weird but then a few weeks ago i had it again and iv had every night since. the place is always different and the details 2 but the ending is always the same. (read all at source)
Robots-symbolic of future technologies
Rock-this is symbolic of Christ, refuge, a stronghold, and strength, Ps. 31:1-3, Ps. 28:1
Rocket-a rocket can be a symbol for a quick and sudden de�parture from one area of life to a new one... (read all at source)
Chased by a robot: if a machine or robot chases you in dream this means that you have anxiety about your happiness in the future. It is important to recognise that this dream is based on fear of the future.
Historic Dream interpretation in the 1930s... (read all at source)
(the dreamer did not like having to behave in this robotic way)
Example dream : A dream about her brother's comforting presence linked to the dreamers thoughts about her future. She was excluding family members whose presence was toxic to her. (read all at source)
Ants work in a robotic state and often, when we become too involved in our careers and work many hours of overtime, we too can become a bit robotic. Re-analyse your priorities to see if you are focusing too much on work and overlooking the more important things in life. (read all at source)
The idea of being or seeming robotic, inanimate, or inhuman
Intelligence, as in advanced technology
The idea of automation or something that takes place without awareness... (read all at source)
robotic spiders coming out of the skin of my thighs... (read all at source)
As I look at it longer it doesn't seem to be real but robotic and the longer I look at it, it disappears. At this point I am fully awake but I've had this same dream four or five times. Not sure what it means but I'm tired of it. (read all at source)
- Kinky realtor dream
- Robot drives car dream
- Children using ingenuity - dream interpretation
- Dream symbols - teacher and young people
- Gambling and winning dream analysis
- Paul MacCartney dreamt the tune to Yesterday - creative dream... (read all at source)
machine or robot
Consider what the machine or robot is doing, in what context, and how you feel about it. Some possible meanings are:... (read all at source)
Robot - The dream may be telling you that you have become a robot in some way, and that you need to gain back your creativity and individuality. It could be warning you that you are being manipulated by another person. (read all at source)