Reservoir-a waterless reservoir is symbolic of putting your trust in something other than God, Jer. 2:13
Resistance-a person who resists you in a dream symbolizes a spiritual or physical impediment
Resurrection-symbolic of spiritual awakenings, Jn. 11:25... (read all at source)
A lake indicates that you have a deep spiritual reservoir for which you need to find an outlet. Water represents spirituality, and lakes develop where water flow is restricted. Spirituality is expression of your soul and in dreams is not connected with religion. (read all at source)
The message contained in this dream relates to the amount of water contained in the reservoir. If it was full, it... Continue dream interpretation - Reservoir"continue dream interpretation
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To see a filled reservoir in your dream signifies repressed or pent up emotions.
On the other hand, to notice an empty reservoir denotes you might have exhausted all your energy and emotions on a current situation. (read all at source)
Reservoir - may symbolize your unconscious or your potential - all the unrealized, because not yet chosen, possibilities for your personal development. (read all at source)
"Dreams are a reservoir of knowledge and experience, yet they are often overlooked as a vehicle for exploring reality"
Tarthang Tulku
Letter D
DREAM: POINTING TO LIFE OR DEATH? (read all at source)
This river pathway often cuts through mountains (concrete ideas) to take water (emotions) from a reservoir or preserve (unconscious) into areas where it is most needed. Without this type of irrigation, the plants upriver would perish, suggesting opening to the opportunity for new growth. (read all at source)
The Id, according to Freud, "'knows no judgements of value: no good and evil, no morality... [It is] the great reservoir of libido". From the outset (i.e. birth) the Id includes all the instinctual impulses as well as the destructive instinct.
Sigmund Freud Theory: Ego... (read all at source)
* Please, see meaning of embankment, dam, Reservoir.
Posted in Buildings Tagged D, F
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aquarium, artificial lake, bayou lake, cistern, dam, dead water, dike, etang, farm pond, freshwater lake, glacial lake, inland sea, lagoon, laguna, lake, lakelet, landlocked water, linn, loch, lough, mere, millpond, millpool, nyanza, oxbow lake, plash, pond, pondlet, pool, puddle, reservoir, salina,... (read all at source)
To see a filled reservoir in your dream, symbolizes stored up or repressed emotions. To see an empty reservoir in your dream, denotes that you have expended all your energy and emotions on others.
Resign... (read all at source)