Dreaming about your waking relationships indicates wish-fulfillment. In your dream state, you may be able to confront issues that you would normally ignore or are afraid of bringing up. Compare your dream relationship with your waking relationship. (read all at source)
Relationships can often be unpredictable. You may spend time analysing conversations trying to decipher moods, and running various scenarios through your head during the day. So it only makes sense that our subconscious would also try to evaluate our relationships during our sleeping hours. (read all at source)
Power Relationships and Figures
In dreams, one of the central interpretive concerns is the relationship between the dreamer and other dream characters. Usually, the relative power of the dreamer to others is important to understanding the meaning of other dream exchanges. (read all at source)
Male/female relationships run into snags when our partner takes on a role that we don't see as appropriate. So I would bet that you broke up because you saw him as trying to take the woman's role, as defined by you and your personal values. (read all at source)
Category: Relationships
Infidelity and cheating or being cheated by partner* are qualified as Adultery. Use same conditions for cheating as for adultery and apply meanings accordingly. (read all at source)
Fantasies about sex and relationships play a huge role in whom we choose as life partners. Unfortunately these fantasies are usually unrealistic; newlyweds often face a crisis when they begin to distinguish between the person they thought they married and their spouse. (read all at source)
Relationships with the opposite sex. A new, beautiful - a flirtation. Give the vase - someone would want to get to know you better. Broken - breach. Dull - boring relationship. Vase, as well as other vessels, is a symbol of female genital mutilation. (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
It is common to dream about our relationships. You can interpret this dream by remembering the details and comparing them to the realities of your daily life. (read all at source)
Relationships, bonds, or communication
Feeling constricted or restrained (as in "feeling tied down")
String coming unwound can represent:
A situation that's coming unwound or "falling apart"
The idea of getting to the bottom of a problem or figuring something out... (read all at source)
Relationships or events with others in your life
Teamwork, cooperating, or creating with others in your life
see also: marching group
categories: People... (read all at source)
Relationships with others.
Work, school, and finances.
Home life, family, and romantic relationships.
Communication with others. (read all at source)
Relationships are very important. We constantly monitor relationships and dreams maybe related to these thoughts. (read all at source)
family relationships: This could be your internal value system. The father is the authority figure representing your ability to manage and control the external world. He can also represent the negative by being dominant and aggressive. (read all at source)
Cheating (relationships) see Adultery
Check (paycheck) finding a check in a dream can symbolize receiving unexpected income. A check may also represent the wages of someone’s life, Rom. 6:23
Checkmate-symbolic of assured victory in a situation... (read all at source)
It is not surprising that our loved ones feature in our dreams, although we often dream of people with whom we have superficial relationships too. Some dreams centre around fictitious relationship with a wide range of characters. Dreams of true love and seductive desires are common. (read all at source)
Kuchibeni: Also white and red (known as a "lipstick" fish with a white body and red markings around the mouth) said to inspire long lasting, loving relationships. (read all at source)
Therefore loving relationships in dreams are ways of exploring our own possibilities, not only within ourselves, but also in future relations. Some girls dream of becoming pregnant and giving birth even though they have no man in their life. Such dreams are ways of experimenting with the future. (read all at source)
They had both ended their relationships at the same time and had been both building their lives up since then. The blood symbolised the pain they had both gone through after a relationship break up. (read all at source)
The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself, so look to the friends you dreamed about for signals of personality traits they have that you desire in yourself, and work on those things. (read all at source)
To dream that you are eating dinner with others, signifies your acceptance or others, your interpersonal relationships, and how you behave in your social life. It is a time to reflect and share past experiences. It also suggests that you see everyone as an equal.
Dinosaur... (read all at source)
Revealing of patterns in your sexual relationships that you have not been aware of.
Dreams may reveal patterns in your sexual relationships that you have not been aware of/ What sort of person attracts you in your dreams? How do you feel about this or that aspect of the sexual encounter? (read all at source)
Most people have several/more than one worst fear, some relate to our families, relationships, career or our ego. Fear in moderation is believed to be a good thing as it sharpens our senses and keeps us alert. (read all at source)
Dreams offer us inspiration about relationships and living. All the people that appear in our dreams represent an aspect of who we are/were or might be. These characters can personify emerging or unknown aspects or areas of the self undergoing exploration. (read all at source)
I have been going through a lot of changes dealing with to relationships and my job. I would love to settle down for a while as I am getting tired of all the changes, especially physical ones. (read all at source)
When your dream is set in the bedroom, most likely you are processing something about your intimate relationships and/or your physical and emotional needs. (read all at source)
You may be burying relationships, conditions or even emotions that you no longer need and that are no longer conducive to your personal growth. On the other hand, this dream may symbolize the burying of sensitivities and emotions that are too difficult to cope with. (read all at source)
The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news. To see your friends, saddened and troubled, in your dream, signifies sickness and distress upon them. (read all at source)
To dream of various landscapes in your dream symbolizes your current standing in terms of your life or your relationships. This provides an assessment on appreciating and recognizing the vital role you play in the community. (read all at source)
If you eat berries in your dream it symbolizes of an upcoming new adventures in personal life like relationships and communications. All of the new relationships are exciting and promising something new and unexpected. (read all at source)
Dreams of betrayal and infidelity are very common in troubled relationships. It's a clear sign of insecurity, that the dreamer does not feel comfortable with the trust in the relationship. (read all at source)
To see a Christmas Tree in your dream, symbolizes family gatherings, celebrations and family relationships. You may be experiencing some anxieties and stress in your home life. This dream also signifies a passage of time, self-development and spiritual enlightenment. (read all at source)
Other possibilities on having test dreams is your lack of ability to gain confidence in your relationships, family or work. Do you self-esteem issues and not comfortable in your own shoes in your life? Are worried about being judged for decisions you make? (read all at source)
Through this the dreamer is asked to adopt a new attitude (put away clothes) with regard to relationships (in pairs) as she goes forward in life (socks). (read all at source)
Food or drug addicts, people in addictive relationships may dream their blood of being sucked from them. If you are the vampire in your dream you may be sucking in life energy or aspects of another that you need to complete yourself. (read all at source)
A city in a dream represents your feelings about community and about your relationships with other people.
Your interaction with other people during your city dream can provide you with information about how you interact with others and how you handle your relationships in real life. (read all at source)
A thread in a dream can symbolize relationships with and commitments to other people.
If you dream that you have a sore throat, you may be having trouble expressing yourself. This dream may also be a message from your unconscious that it is time to swallow your pride. (read all at source)
house. Family and social relationships.
ice. A cold relationship, inflexibility, shallow emotions, unwise investments, or a stalemate.
infant. A new beginning, regression tendencies, or innocence. (read all at source)
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Personal Finance
Relationships... (read all at source)
To dream of armpit, represents your social connections and your relationships to others.
To see a person turn their back on you, signifies that envy and jealousy are trying to hurt you. Additionally, it suggests loss of friendship and betrayal. (read all at source)
A dream with a swimming pool can symbolize your relationships with others or the need to acknowledge your feelings or emotions. Perhaps a relationship in your waking life needs more ..Read more →
See Knife... (read all at source)
If you dream of eating frogs then you will find very little to gain in current relationships and losses associated with... Continue dream interpretation - Frog"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Frogs... (read all at source)
Like analyzing regular dreams, studying your sex dreams can also give you great insight into your existing sexual relationships. Your sex dream may have layers of meaning. (read all at source)
A dove in a dream denotes platonic relationships. It also indicates the creative thoughts which arise form a platonic relation.
Dragon... (read all at source)
This is an indication of great passion and sensitivity in your emotional relationships.
Normally indicates new opportunities and the successful completion of projects. Sign of good luck. (read all at source)
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Hole. To step or fall into a hole is a warning against undesirable companions; reassess your relationships. A hole in a garment forecasts improving luck in financial matters. A dream of digging a hole predicts a sudden trip, and to observe holes made by others indicates easier times ahead. (read all at source)
To see an uncle in your dream shows you will have sad news concerning someone close to you . Seeing an uncle and arguing with him shows that your family relationships may not be on solid ground or that your health is adversly affected by some excess.
Underground... (read all at source)
Family: See also Father, Mother, Daughter and Son: Church family; or natural family; assembly or team or group that is in covenant together; harmony and oneness; eternal bond; order or disorder; fellowship; relationships. (Eph. 1: 5; 3: 14-15; 5: 23; Gen. 13: 16; Col. 3: 18-21; Matt. (read all at source)
On a negative note, to dream that you die may represent involvement in deeply painful relationships or unhealthy, destructive behaviors. You may feeling depressed or feel strangled by a situation or person in your waking life. (read all at source)
Identify your relationship with your daughter and you will discover what they represent in your dreams. Whether positive, meaning the forces of the spirit, or negative, meaning the works of the flesh, your children will be symbolic of the relationships you have with them in real life. (read all at source)