Seeing your reflection in your dream, represents your true self; it is time to look within. The reflection may highlight both your flaws and positive attributes. Learn from your flaws and how to improve on them and at the same time appreciate your good qualities. (read all at source)
Reflection-symbolic of looking into your heart, Prov. 27:19
Refuge-a symbol of God’s promises, Ps. 46:1
Relatives-living relatives are symbolic of your current living situation. Dead relatives can be showing you the root of generational blessings or curses in your life, Ex. 34:7... (read all at source)
identical twin: A reflection of yourself.
immobile: Terrorized. What is preventing your growth?
illness: Work on your well-being. Are you holding in some anger or resentment? Are you using sickness to gain attention? What old wounds need healing? (read all at source)
Well yesterday I noticed that a mirror that I have in the bathroom, reflection from the sun is sideways. Let me explain better. The mirror is oval shaped (horizontal) The reflection is oval shaped (vertical) When I switch the mirror around to a vertical position, the reflection remains vertical. (read all at source)
I pondered this teenage mentality that I have been acting out in so many ways throughout my life, and realized that I had gotten mixed messages from my parents. My mom said 'change yourself to please a man'; my dad said, 'be yourself and develop your own talents'. (read all at source)
- also see Dream Dictionary: Mirror
To see one's own reflection in a dream, usually via water or a mirror, is the dreamer looking into themself. It is the unconscious means with which to force the dreamer to take note of him or herself through forcing them to acknowledge what they see. (read all at source)
Two of the most important symbols that appear as you move toward self-actualization, is to hear your name and to see your reflection. In both cases, the dream is offering a message about cultivating who you really are. (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
Seeing one's picture reflected in a wall means his death, and connotes that his name will be itched on his gravestone.. (read all at source)
Self reflection. Playfulness along a journey, and enjoying the journey. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
A reflection of the "David and Goliath" archetype. Dreaming of meeting a giant implies meeting challenges boldly and with confidence. Killing a giant is an omen of success beyond your wildest dreams.
2. Dreaming of being a giant sometimes indicates overconfidence. (read all at source)
Yak - a reflection of all the good that represents the animal, power, ruggedness, endurance, generosity. The need for personal power. Reflection of a blind rage.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
Glass - a reflection of self; if broken, shattered illusions
Glasses - to see more clearly; take a second look at the situation at hand
Glove - protection; covering up your felings... (read all at source)
This is a reflection of the work of superstition in your life. If you are by nature superstitious, you may be getting a challenge from your subconscious to let go of a particular compulsion. Or, your superstitions may be receiving validation from your unconscious mind. (read all at source)
Virtual image. Reflection. Identity. A true picture of something else.
Obscure. Cool and comfortable. An emotional field that surrounds you. (read all at source)
If you see your reflection in a mirror in your dream, it indicates that you want to take a closer look at yourself. Or is there a situation in your life that you need to reflect upon? Does it suggest that you’re the type of person to “face' issues? (read all at source)
To see your own reflection in the mirror, suggests that you are pondering thoughts about your inner self. The reflection in the mirror is how you perceive yourself or how you want others to see you. You may be contemplating on strengthening and changing aspects of your character. (read all at source)
Cigar - comfort, reflection, prosperity.
Crab - separation.
Desk - if one is working at a desk, it means one should spend more time outdoors. If the desk is empty, it means a change in jobs.
Dog - calm times ahead.
Duck - someone acting anonymously.
Eggs - abundance. (read all at source)
Their meaning my be very personal, such as a reflection of financial concern or any other area of daily life represented by numbers. One way to interpret numbers is to try to see how they are specifically related to you. (E.g. If you have the number 25 in your dream. (read all at source)
Since the sign of Gemini represents yin and yang it is the great reflection of twins. The dream about Gemini mostly signifies the two sides of the problem, situation or person.
Cancer as the sign is very protective, affectionate and understanding person. (read all at source)
' For there before me was not just John, but a whole nation dying - a reflection of all its ways and hopes. I felt hopeless in the face of such huge death, such enormous absence of life. Yet the eyes remained open and tried to look out at the world despite the thick white film of death across them. (read all at source)
A reflection on the history of the past symbolised the dreamers own reflections on his own life (had he had a good or bad life?)
Example dream : A dream of bad men represented the dreamers need to escape her own bad man - and all the relationship problems that went with it. (read all at source)
Everything in our life is a reflection on us and this hold true in our dreams. The storm in your dreams may be a reflection of some difficulty in your life. Consider all of the details and notice if you took shelter from the storm or were you swept away by it. (read all at source)
People most often portrayed in dreams are actually reflections of your own personality traits, provided the dream is not prophetic.These traits are ones that you need to enhance or develop, or if negative, work on eliminating or reducing. (read all at source)
Dreams about divorce can be straightforward reflections of the dreamer's real life experiences. Divorce dreams may also reflect stress that the dreamer is dealing with. You may be wondering if you have made a mistake in some situation or decision. (read all at source)
The dream may also be a reflection of your own real-life abortion and thus serves as a way of healing from the trauma and working towards self-acceptance. Alternatively, this dream may also be a message for you to take care and look after your health. (read all at source)
To dream of racism is a self-reflection. You have become judgmental. You may be discriminating against those around you. Consider the people in your life you may have judged without giving them a chance.
To dream that you are racist is a representation of your strong will. (read all at source)
Play is usually fun but also may sometimes include serious reflection. Play is a way of learning that helps develop an approach to action. Exploration is also a key aspect of a great deal play fantasy. (read all at source)
The countenance of the clown is a reflection of your own feelings and emotions. Whether it is a happy clown or a sad clown that will help guide you through how you may be feeling. The actions of the clown signify your uninhibited nature. (read all at source)
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughtful reflections of mine on the Thunderbird as a traditional Native American symbol. I encourage you to do your own research on the Thunderbird symbol - meditation on this divinely regal bird is a perfect start. (read all at source)
An examination in a dream symbolizes a time for reflection and evaluation. The subject of the test will give further insight into the theme for reflection. For example, a medical exam will indicate the need to identify attitudes producing wholeness or dis-ease. (read all at source)
A Hindu proverb says: Man is a creature of reflection; he becomes that upon which he reflects. A modern metaphysicist says: Our thoughts are real substance and leave their images upon our personality, they fill our aura with beauty or ugliness according to our intents and purposes in life. (read all at source)
To spit in one, foretells that reflections wil{sic} be cast upon your conduct.
Custard Custom-house Cut Cymbal Dagger Dahlia Dairy Daisy Damask Rose Damson Dance Dancing Master Dandelion Danger Dark Holy Communion Flax Spinning Disgrace Sheriff Rat-trap... (read all at source)
To dream that you are sad is a reflection of what you may be feeling in your waking life.
To dream that you are suffocating, relates to stress and pressure that someone is putting on you. You should be careful of your health after this dream. (read all at source)
People (other dream characters) are reflections of your own psyche, and may demonstrate specific aspects of your own personality.
Radios and TVs can symbolize communication channels between the conscious and subconscious minds. When lucid, ask them a question... (read all at source)
If someone calls you a dog, it is a negative reflection on your personality. If you are being treated like a dog, you are most likely being abused in some way.
Dog Catcher
If you dream of a dog catcher, you could be feeling that some of your freedom has been taken away from you. (read all at source)
Therefore may not in parts be viewed as politically correct in today's society, and is not a reflection of the sociological, political or economic beliefs of Mystic Familiar, but is set here as a reflection of research into dreams and their meanings. (read all at source)
Looking into a mirror - whether it's a fancy gold-framed one or a simple reflection in a pond - is all about seeing yourself. You have to take a long, hard look at what you are as a person - about the way you have been treating others around you, about the way you have been taking care of yourself. (read all at source)
A dream with silver symbolizes self-reflection or prosperity. The dream may suggest that you are intuitive and goal driven, or that you are searching for bliss. You are self-sufficient and ..Read more →
SKELETON ... (read all at source)
To see yourself in your dream, is a reflection of you acts and behaves in your waking life.
All the spiritual as well as material comforts of life are promised in a dream featuring this desert plant in bloom. (read all at source)
Wistfulness, reminiscing, or inner reflection
Consider what autumn means to you personally.
see also: time of year time frame spring (the season) summer winter weather
categories: Attribute... (read all at source)
Weather in a dream is often a reflection of your emotions, so a soft, gentle breeze in a dream usually symbolizes happiness and contentment. (read all at source)
Listening to Water - To listen to water in your dream denotes time for reflection and peace with your thoughts and emotions.
Walking on Water - Means you at the top of your emotions and you have complete control. (read all at source)
kk @ 2012-11-05 15:03:07
I had a dream last night about a butterfly of all the chakra colors and a web was flying with it. It was so beautiful! The reflection of the web in the sunlight was the exact colors of the butterfly.
Help others by telling us about Your Experience? (read all at source)
II Meaning II We bow to the divine Goddess in all existence who resides all throughout the Consciousness and is known by the reflections of mind. We bow to her, we bow to her, we continually bow to her. (read all at source)
His masterwork, The Principles of Psychology , is a rich blend of physiology, psychology, philosophy, and personal reflection, comprehending innovative ideas as the stream of thought and the baby's impression of the: as one great blooming, buzzing confusion .
See also: Pre-Freudian... (read all at source)
As a feminine container and one that can carry clothes, it may reflect some aspect of your out or inner identity and or a challenge to it. Pregnant women dream about finding or losing suitcases as reflections of their changing identity. (read all at source)
Cuspidor: To see a cuspidor in a dream, signifies that an unworthy attachmentwill be formed by you, and that your work will be neglected.
To spit in one, foretells that reflections wil{sic} be castupon your conduct. (read all at source)
sweet pea, children or the desire to have children; carnation, a pensive, reflective state of mind; chrysanthemum, a gala affair; orchid, permanence and commitment; petunia, rugged endurance; daffodil, warmth or the restoration of a relationship; tulip, productivity; hyacinth, reflection and a time... (read all at source)
You are comfortable with your sexuality and femininity. If, in your dream you abhor the notion of lesbianism, then it represents your fears and rejection of parts of your own sexuality. If you are a lesbian in your waking life, then the dream is simply a reflection of your own self. (read all at source)
It may also be a reflection of your own need to explore your sexuality. However, this may indicate that you may intensify your commitment to another. (read all at source)
Home - Dream - Reflection
It means you are trying to find your inner self. Dreaming of a reflection means that you are thinking of yourself! If you look into water it means you want to clean yourself of your old habits. (read all at source)