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The seven African powers are spirits of the dead, these spirits were bought together through tribes that were brought to Cuba. The tribes from where the... (read all at source)
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There are symbols found in the human unconscious that mean similar things to all of us. By understanding these symbols, it is possible to analyze our dreams and to learn from them. (read all at source)
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Address with the number four
Address with the number one
Address with the number seven
Address with the number six
Address with the number three
Adhesive plaster
Adhesive tape
Adit (mine entrance)... (read all at source)
Dreams of reading show how you are exploring ideas in an objective format. Seeing something printed is the first step toward integrating this new idea. Reading also portrays your feelings and insecurities about 'revealing' yourself to others. (read all at source)
Read through the list of key phrases below. Try to see which is the most relevant. Dreams will translate directly into the types of phrases that we might write in a diary. Write down your main thought right now and try to see if similar key phrases appear in it. (read all at source)
Read, reflect and be inspired. If you find something of value on our Dream Dictionary M page, enjoy its gifts and please pass it on to your friends.
Custom Search... (read all at source)
Read Stories (66) What I Dreamed
Common Dream Themes
Flying Dreams
Falling Dreams
Pregnancy and Giving Birth Dreams... (read all at source)
Read what ther readers contributed about Totem Wolf Symbolism:
Wolf Symbolism (by Charlie in Oregon)
My Wolf Totem (by Jeff in the US)... (read all at source)
I read in ur site that seeing people dying and then they come back alive means fulfilment of wishes but is there a time frame when I can see them happen
Arthur Goldberg says:... (read all at source)
* Read through each dream interpretation symbol below to see if there are any that you are looking for, then click on that link to go there:
Dream Symbols: no shoes, airport, plane, panic. (read all at source)
>> Read the full snake dream interpretation.
Snakes or serpents in a dream can symbolize:
The unconscious.
A time of transformation or transition.
The Freudian interpretation says it's a phallic symbol that represents how you experience your. >> Read more... (read all at source)
To read a magazine in your dream implies that you have been offered new and exciting opportunities to explore. Pay attention the name and contents of the magazine. This can imply further significance. (read all at source)
To read a magazine in your dream indicates that you are opened to various new ideas. Consider also the theme and name of the magazine and its symbolism. (read all at source)
To read advertisements, denotes that enemies will overtake you, and defeat you in rivalry. (read all at source)
To read a thermometer in your dream, denotes unsatisfactory business deals and domestic strife.
To see a broken thermometer in your dream, forewarns of illness. (read all at source)
To read the inscription on tombs, foretells unpleasant duties.
To dream of seeing your own tongue, interpret that you will be looked upon with disfavor by your acquaintances. (read all at source)
I've read that swimming and flying dreams may have their origins pre-natal memories of floating in the womb. While this may be true, I find it rather dissatisfying because it doesn't explain any other element of the dream. Why, for instance, dream of it now? (read all at source)
As I read your dream I feel that you are ready for a different stage in your spiritual life and you don't know how to go about it,you need a little push ,I would recommend that you actually pray more into your inner self and ask for guidance am quite sure you will get your answer,... (read all at source)
and i read it says i need to see a doctor and i also looked at another site
which said my health is bad.
i already go to five specialist for many health issues. (read all at source)
If you read advertisements in a newspaper you will get what you desire. If you advertised something you must not do something you have planned.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)
When I read the tale of the 2 dimensional goose, and Tony said - imagine losing an arm, then legs, body and head - I remembered that I have experienced this before, many years ago I felt my whole body vibrating (not shaking or shuddering, vibrating) - every cell,... (read all at source)
If you read one, news of a distracting nature will soon reach you.
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition; By Gustavus Hindman, 1910. For the open domain e-text see: Guttenberg Project
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
If you read one, news of a distracting nature will soon reach you.
To dream of obligating yourself in any incident, denotes that you
will be fretted and worried by the thoughtless complaints of others. (read all at source)
If you read the Hebrew inscription on a synagogue, you will meet disaster, but will eventually rebuild your fortunes with renewed splendor.
Also See Church.
Syringe... (read all at source)
When I read that driver referred to a person controlling the action and a student as inexperienced and having something to learn, I knew that this dream was commenting on my new job where I was inexperienced and learning, but attempting to control the action. (read all at source)
How to Read Auras - What is the Meaning of Each Color?
NASA Confirms Extraterrestrial Life DOES Exist On Other Planets
Pentagon Secret - The Anunnaki Are Returning... (read all at source)
You can read in your Bible more about the plagues of Egypt in Exodus chapter 8. The plague of frogs was just one of the ten plagues that came from hand of Moses, the man of God in this story.
Some of the fruits that we are looking for are:
Love... (read all at source)
To try to read strange writing, signifies that you will escape enemies only by making no new speculation after this dream.
To see a yacht in a dream, denotes happy recreation away from business and troublesome encumbrances. A stranded one, represents miscarriage of entertaining engagements. (read all at source)
To see or read poetry in your dream, signifies inspiration and idealistic notions. It also suggests that you need to improve... Continue dream interpretation - Poetry"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Poinard... (read all at source)
To see or read the bible in your dream, symbolizes truth, belief, inspiration and knowledge. You are seeking some form of comfort. The bible may also refer to your fundamental belief system. Perhaps you need to turn to the bible more.
Bicycle... (read all at source)
Trying to read a compass can mean you're trying to figure out how to find a solution, get certain results, or answer a question.
Not being able to read a compass can mean you're feeling stuck in terms of finding the solution, results, or answer you seek. (read all at source)
Please read the interpretation of ice and take it one step further. This dream suggests that you may have a part of your emotional or psychological life in a stagnant or inaccessible form. You may be functioning in your daily life without regard to large issues that you are denying. (read all at source)
Help is on the way! Now you can stand up once again and fulfill the Apostolic Call that God has given you....READ MORE
Definition For:
DREAMS AND VISIONS... (read all at source)
3. Dream theory. Read articles on my own theories on how dreams are triggered. I link dreams to recent issues and feelings.
-An introduction to dream theory... (read all at source)
Fasting the three white days of every month (i.e., the 13th, 14th, and the 15th days of the lunar month) in a dream means repayment of one's debts in installments or teaching someone how to properly read the Qur'an or spreading knowledge. (read all at source)
Read and reread before signing anything. Be especially attentive to any loopholes either written or verbal. Watch for any large potholes or the like when driving (or walking). Are you involved in a non-ending situation, relationship, etc.(or about to become involved in one)? (read all at source)
Is your subconscious mind reminding you of a book you need to read to help you understand a question you’ve been thinking about? If someone is reading a book in the dream, what is it you’re being asked to listen to? (read all at source)
To see or read a journal in your dream, suggests that you are trying to change or rewrite the past to suit your own needs. Consider what is written in the journal and how it is similar or dissimilar to actual events in your waking life. Alternatively, it symbolizes memories and history. (read all at source)
Should the Zodiac read in a odd manner then it denotes some unpleasant event is hovering around you and you need to be ready to dispel it. Just dreaming of the Zodiac augurs an uncommon rise in material wealth and position in a short time. (read all at source)
I read your dream. I honestly don't know how to interpit it but what I got out of it is you are the strange lady protecting your daughter. After the lady saved her you couldn't find your daughter I think because you were gone so you couldn't see her. (read all at source)
If she has her palms read, she will have many friends of the opposite sex, but her own sex will condemn her. If she reads others' hands, she will gain distinction by her intelligent bearing. If a minister's hand, she will need friends, even in her elevation. (read all at source)
Though you have to remember that each teeth dream has many different meanings, so you must read below to figure out what type of teeth dream you had. Some of the most common types of teeth dreams we tend to have are Pulling teeth, Rotting Teeth, Broken teeth, Falling teeth and Crumbling teeth". (read all at source)
A telephone can also indicate you are telepathic. Telepathy is where you can read other peoples' minds. If you have this ability you already know it.
A telescope indicates you are prophetic as it allows you to see what's ahead on the horizon. (read all at source)
If you're unable to read the letter, look at other aspects of the dream for clues. An anonymous letter may signify concern from an unspecified source. Blue ink indicates steadfastness and affection. (read all at source)
A lot of people have the mistaken idea that dreaming of death foretells of a loved one dying. First of all, dreams are a … [Read More...]
Dream Analysis
Like a lot of dream interpretations and dream symbols, pig dreams can go one of several ways. The first one I'll … [Read More...]... (read all at source)
If you dream that someone hands you a book or tells you to read a book, it can be a sign that you need to look to others for inspiration and guidance.
An old woman or an old man who hands you a book in a dream may represent a part of yourself that is very wise. (read all at source)
Bible-to dream of the Bible is symbolic of the need to read God’s word, 2 Tim. 3:16
Bicycle-symbolic of a person’s movement through life. If the bike has broken parts or missing wheels it symbolizes problems or troubles with the person riding the bike... (read all at source)
Learn the basics of dream interpretation. Take a class, read a book, practice on your own dreams. Get help when you need clarity.
Make time to work on your dreams. Dream interpretation takes time and effort—and none of your investment is wasted. (read all at source)
If you are into Wicca, or have read stories recently of witches, a black cat could represent your higher self. Black cats also represent bad luck. Have you had unfavorable things happening in your life?
Also:... (read all at source)
To dream of receiving commands, foretells you will be unwisely influenced by persons of stronger will than your own. To read or hear the Ten Commandments read, denotes you will fall into errors from which you will hardly escape, even with the counsels of friends of wise and unerring judgment. (read all at source)
Other emotions can be read from the face as well. If your face has been injured you may be suffering some public injury or an attack on your reputation. Someone with two faces could mean that either you or some else are being untrustworthy and pretending to be what they are not. (read all at source)
Test your ability to read other's nonverbal signals.
What first impression do you give?
Do people like you the first time they meet you? (read all at source)
If you are taking the dictation of someone else, you could be reflecting on something you have read or heard in waking life.
Dictating your will in your dream can mean that you are worried about the consequences of an argument in waking life.
Diet ... (read all at source)
If your dream was about someone *dying*, read the other article on the topic.
Dream Symbol Dictionary
Main Menu of Dream Information... (read all at source)
To dream that you are solving an addition problem represents something that is straightforward or obvious. Do not read too much into a problem. To dream that you cannot add correctly indicates confusion and chaos. (read all at source)
Next, refer any emotional or recurring dream symbols to a dream dictionary or the list below. Remember - don't take these definitions as read, because they do depend on the context of your dream, your personal psychological attachments to the symbols, and your current life circumstances. (read all at source)
A dream featuring the brakes of a vehicle symbolizes your ability to be in control in some aspect of your life. If the breaks don't work properly then this suggests ..Read more →
BREAD ... (read all at source)
To dream you take quack medicine, shows that you are growing morbid under some trouble, and should overcome it by industrious application to duty. To read the advertisement of it, foretells unhappy companions will wrong and distress you.
Find more dreams containing 'quack medicine'... (read all at source)
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Alfred... (read all at source)
Occur during the first few hours of sleep;
Concern a person or event recently spoken of;
Result from external stimuli, such as a book just read or a film or television show just watched;
Result from illness, especially if medication is taken. (read all at source)
Where were you in your dream last night? Before you forget where you've been hanging around in your sleep and forever lose its life-changing meanings, read the following dream interpretation. Next time you find yourself there, you'll know your way around. (read all at source)
Obituary To dream of writing an obituary, denotes that unpleasant and discordant duties will devolve upon you. If you read one, news of a distracting nature will soon reach you. (read all at source)
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To dream that you are writing, foretells that you will make a mistake which will almost prove your undoing.
To see writing, denotes that you will be upbraided for your careless conduct and a lawsuit may cause you embarrassment.
To try to read strange writing,... (read all at source)
Dream meanings in our dream dictionary are only suggested meanings. Dream meanings are subjective and specific to the dreamer and the varying circumstance surrounding the dreamer. This information is provided for entertainment purposes only. Please read the disclaimer. (read all at source)
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the aesthetic, is there more to the The Steampunk Tarot Deck than tarot dressed up in extremely awesome clothing? Can a "Steampunk" tarot be more than a novelty deck? I think so, because the genre of Steampunk shares some fundamental characteristics with tarot. Individual Experience While... read... (read all at source)