To see a razor in your dream, signifies trouble and disagreements. To dream that you are cut by a razor, signifies an unlucky venture you are about to get yourself into. (read all at source)
To dream of a razor, portends disagreements and contentions over troubles.
To cut yourself with one, denotes that you will be unlucky in some deal which you are about to make.
Fighting with a razor, foretells disappointing business, and that some one will keep you harassed almost beyond endurance.
A broken or rusty one, brings unavoidable distress. (read all at source)
razor sharp; cutting remarks; on the edge; having your power taken away. Who is taking a piece out of you?
read needing to gather more information; not comprehending; reading between the lines; reading more into something than is necessary; being well-read. Whose mind would you like to read? (read all at source)
Different razors can mean different things in dreams. A cut-throat razor can be a warning that we may be about to enter an industry or environment where much risk will ensue in terms of battling for position. (read all at source)
Example: The counselor who is chopping up something on a lap board with a razor blade looks up and says happily to her, "I like the way you handled that. How creative you are." I am filled with jealousy because he is noticing her and ignoring me!
Useful Questions and Hints:... (read all at source)
To dream that you see two men fighting with pistols, denotes many worries and perplexities, while no real loss is involved in the dream, yet but small profit is predicted and some unpleasantness is denoted. To dream that you are on your way home and someone attack you with razors,... (read all at source)
To dream of a razor, indicates disagreements and contentions over troubles.
To cut yourself with one, could denote that you may be unlucky in some deal which you are about to make. (read all at source)
Razor Sharpe says:
I made a film a few years ago about a dream I had: 1) My friend and I were starving and homeless living in a dilapidated house. I used a hacksaw to cut off his leg. So we could eat it. Then stole it and took off. The dream jumped forward I felt a week later. (read all at source)
Razor-a symbol of lies, deceit, and destruction, Ps. 52:2
Recliner-symbolic of relaxing
Red Cross-symbolic of Christian service or belonging to Christ... (read all at source)
Sharpness. Cut. Looking for a clean start leaving the past behind.
Reading... (read all at source)
If your razor is dull and pulls your face, you will give your friends cause to criticize your private life.
If your beard seems gray, you will be absolutely devoid of any sense of justice to those having claims upon you. (read all at source)
One might also think twice about engaging the Beaver in a match of wits - as his/her mental acuity is razor sharp. The Beaver has everything going for him/her - however tendencies toward "my way or the highway" get them in trouble. (read all at source)
To dream of razors/razor blades symbolizes that you have many issues in your life that you need to smooth over. To dream of an old barbers razor means that you should learn something new. (read all at source)
Objects - Dream Dictionary
To dream of a razor portends disagreements and contentions over troubles.
To cut yourself with one denotes that you will be unlucky in some deal which you are about to make. (read all at source)
To see a razor in your dream, suggests that there is a situation or problem that you need to smooth out.
To dream that you are reading, signifies that you need to obtain more information or knowledge before making a decision. (read all at source)
Sharks have a way of instilling fear because of their razor sharp teeth. They can represent aggressive behavior that operates unconsciously below the surface, threatening ‘to tear you apart. (read all at source)
To dream that you are on your way home and a man attack you with razors, you will be disappointed in your business, you will be much vexed with servants, and home associations will be unpleasant.
To dream that you are fighting men, you will be annoyed by them or by some one of low character. (read all at source)