Race dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you are in a race, foretells that others will aspire to the things you are working to possess, but if you win in the race, you will overcome your competitors.
Running a foot race in your dreams show that you have an enemy who is a threat to your possessions and is envious of your acquisitions or achievements. To win the race means you will quickly overcome your adversary.
Rack... (read all at source)
To dream that you are in a race, signifies that others are envious of your achievements and want it for themselves. If you win the race, then it denotes that you will overcome your competitors. (read all at source)
To dream about yourself being in a race indicates that others shall also aspire to possess what you have been working for and that you shall overcome thier competition.
Railway Station... (read all at source)
To dream that you are running alone, signifies that you will advance to a higher position and surpass your friends in the race for wealth. Alternatively, you may be running from some situation or from temptation.
To dream that you are running with others, signifies festive and prosperous times. (read all at source)
competition or race
Competitiveness, motivation, teamwork (or if alone, cooperation and harmony with yourself or your goals)
Wanting to win, be superior, feed an ego or insecurity, or wanting someone else to lose... (read all at source)
Race, Racing
Actions, Feelings, Conditions - Dream Dictionary
Running in race suggests daily or business life. Depending on how you are doing in the race, consider whether the future looks good or bleak. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are in a race, foretells that others will aspire to the things you are working to possess, but if you win in the race, you will overcome your competitors.. (read all at source)
Example dream : A horse race represented something that was difficult to predict. It was linked to a statisticians ability to predict something which had previously seemed impossible. (read all at source)
Race Car
To dream of a racecar is a representation of your hard working nature and your stubbornness. It may further represent how competitive you are and how strongly you feel the urge to win. The racecar may also be a symbol for ethnicity and how you view it. (read all at source)
Association: - Contest and competition & rivalry. Question: - What is my purpose? What escapes me by my hurry? In general: Symbolism of race points to the quick passing of time out, according to the constant race success and recognition, only a few can win at the the grand prize. (read all at source)
Race-symbolic of the journey of life, Eccl. 9:11
Raft-symbolic of safety in times of trouble
Rags-symbolic of dead works, Isa. 64:6... (read all at source)
Share Your experience on dreaming about Race symbol.
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Popular Expressions: The rat race; One-horse race; Race against time
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
race competition; getting ahead of the crowd; feeling harried and busy. Who is still in the running? (read all at source)
race. Urgency, escape, or the need for patience.
railroad crossing. Caution or impending danger.
rainstorm. Unrequited love, unfilled desires, striving for excitement. (read all at source)
If you are racing in a dream, perhaps you're involved in an overly competitive situation or you're in a rush. The message might be that it's time to slow down and relax.
rain... (read all at source)
Race Feelings of competitiveness, questions of capability, worthiness, success and failure, or fear of losing or being inferior. It can also show your passage through life, your participation in the human race, and how you feel […] More... (read all at source)
Race - Measuring yourself against other people instead of getting your values from inner sources.
Rain - Ageneral grey tone in a dream probably symbolizes sadness, like tears, or depression. On the other hand, it may symbolize fertility, growth. Perhaps a new phase is opening in your life. (read all at source)
race: Rivalry, competition, or being in a hurry.
radar: Intuition. Awareness, as in being on someone's radar.
radio: What pictures are you picking up from other people? (read all at source)
A relay race can indicate how the way you relate to other people affects your ability to achieve your goals. How well do you pass the baton on to your teammates?
A roadrunner represents intelligence. (read all at source)
To dream of race horses, denotes that you will be surfeited with fast living, but to the farmer this dream denotes prosperity.
To dream that you ride a horse in a race, you will be prosperous and enjoy life.
To dream of killing a horse, you will injure your friends through selfishness. (read all at source)
Running a foot race in your dreams show that you have an enemy who is a threat to your possessions and... Continue dream interpretation - Race"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Racism... (read all at source)
And the baby's race could be another indicator that it's not yours.
The best I can make of this dream is this:
Something precious has died, before it really got a chance to live. Everyone else has written it off, but you don't want to give up on it. (read all at source)
Fender benders in a parking garage are usually the result of colliding sides of you coming out for consideration. A race car or red sports car can symbolize a competitive streak in your motivation. See Color for other associations of aspects related to motivation. (read all at source)
They remind up perhaps that we are there is only one race - the race of humanity. There are certain dreams you are likely to have had that cannot be explained away as symbolism, metaphor, or allegory. In my own dream records I have cases I am convinced are about past lives. (read all at source)
If you are running in a race and win, your unconscious may be expressing confidence that you may or may not feel in the wakened state. Running in your dreams may also symbolize the energy levels, the strength, or the force that you have to get through life. (read all at source)
With about 100m remaining in the race, Moses was level with fellow American, Andre Phillips. Then Moses accelerated. Phillips said after the race, "I saw him take a little look over his shoulder. And he just took off!... (read all at source)
Cultural cues for world-ending dreams come out of a collective angst about the frailty of our planet or the human race. Angst is concerned about what might not be, as in radical non-being of the self, planet, etc. These dreams may be triggered in times of global hopelessness and unpredictability. (read all at source)
Unless referring to a specific person, culture or race, the color black almost always speaks of darkness and the work of the enemy. You might see a person bound by black chains. Perhaps you will see a person in a dark room. All of these are negative. (read all at source)
definitely determines your withdrawal from a race in which you stood
a showing for victory. If she has brown eyes and a Roman nose,
you will be cajoled into a dangerous speculation. If she has auburn
hair with this combination, it adds to your perplexity and anxiety. (read all at source)
That is what continues our species, that makes our race continue for thousands of years. It is part of our genetic makeup to be interested in having intercourse and creating new babies. It's no surprise, then, that dreams sometimes are about intercourse and sexual situations. (read all at source)
If you find yourself defeated in a rowing race, you will lose favors to your rivals with your sweetheart. If you are the victor, you will easily obtain supremacy with women. Your affairs will move agreeably.
Rubber... (read all at source)
To find gold, indicates that your superior abilities will place you easily ahead in the race for honors and wealth.
If you lose gold, you will miss the grandest opportunity of your life through negligence.
To dream of finding a gold vein, denotes that some uneasy honor will be thrust upon you. (read all at source)
In this manner only can man hope to achieve that perfect normal state to which the best thought of the human race is aspiring, where he can create and control influences instead of being created and controlled by them, as the majority of us are at the present day. (read all at source)
a charger, a slow workhorse, a race horse, the horses' color, etc.) Cayce (294-85). House 1. condition and effects created by one's current work in life Cayce (294-50). 2. a specific station in the thought and action of a person Cayce (538-20). 3. (read all at source)
To see a race car in motion is an indication that you are taking things too fast in life or expecting rewards to come to you without proper planning or thought.
A race car on an open track shows positive forward momentum in your life, and is also an indication of a positive change on your way. (read all at source)
Seeing a race car in your dream, symbolizes your hard driving and headstrong attitudes. It may also reflect your competitive nature and the need to win. Alternatively, the symbol may be a pun for your issues with race and ethnicity. (read all at source)
Dream "Race"
Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)
The only person with whom you are competing - is you. Slow down the pace; Enjoy jogging; Breathe in the scent of flowers. (read all at source)
See also: Race , Naked , Quail , Dale E. Turner , James A. Froude
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)
To see a dark-haired woman with blue eyes and a pug nose, definitely determines your withdrawal from a race in which you stood a showing for victory. If she has brown eyes and a Roman nose, you will be cajoled into a dangerous speculation. (read all at source)
competition or race
Competitiveness, motivation, teamwork (or if alone, cooperation and harmony with yourself or your goals)
Wanting to win, be superior, feed an ego or insecurity, or wanting someone else to lose... (read all at source)
Due to the rise of Nazism and their belief that the Aryan race was the purest and noblest, and due to two world wars, Germany symbolizes arrogance and a regimented way of thinking. As in all cases, this meaning does not hold if you are German. (read all at source)