Principal dream meaning

To see the principal in your dream, means you are feeling guilty about something you've done in real life. You are afraid of being exposed.
Prostitute ... (read all at source)

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They are the principal ones. But the auditory sensations nevertheless play a r�le. First, the ear has also its internal sensations, sensations of buzzing, of tinkling, of whistling, difficult to isolate and to perceive while awake, but which are clearly distinguished in sleep. (read all at source)

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principal very important; someone giving orders; getting a lot of interest; expecting someone else to act for you; a fundamental truth; honour; a method of operation. Who do you admire for their high principles? (read all at source)

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Crocodile: See Leviathan, Dinosaur and Alligator: Bending; crooked; meandering; snake; monster; devious; distorted; ancient demon; large, evil creature that cannot be tamed with the natural strength of man; principality; evil spirit; ancient demonic control; only the Lord has power over; dragon. (read all at source)

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Well in real life he killed his principal when he was a kid and burned down the school. (read all at source)

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school assignment, school bell, school board, school bus, school crossing, school day, school dictionary, school newspaper, school of dentistry, school of law, school of medicine, school of music, school of nursing, school of thought, school paper, school phobia, school principal, school ship,... (read all at source)

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These are usually your spirits of infirmities. I see them in the spirit as insects, small crustaceans and so forth. I remember one time really suffering with a pinched sciatic nerve on my left side. (read all at source)

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The principal features of the game, as opposed to the real action, are ritualization, stereotyped behaviors absence bring to the end. The individual does not wish to participate in the game. Reluctance to engage in life's battles. (read all at source)

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(Business) If one's losses relate to his earnings, then his losses in the dream mean decadence of one's principals, religious downswing, or they could mean heedlessness after guidance, disbelief after following one's religion, or losses in general. This sin is man's own. (read all at source)

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Queentop list
Female principal, nurturing, authority.
Quicksandtop list
If you dream that you are in quicksand means that you may be deceived or threatened by a loss. (read all at source)

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People in our dreams that are considered authority, such as bosses, principals and government officials signify that part of the psyche that organizes and controls the assimilation of new ideas. (read all at source)

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However, if you dream that you are at school and you are being disciplined by a teacher or by the principal, you might need to discipline yourself better in real life.
Sometimes, education in a dream can represent spiritual knowledge. (read all at source)

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12 The most important principal i have in life is to make others around me happy/enjoy themselves.
13 Phobia: cockroaches.
14 When i was younger, around 8 years old or so my parents split up for a year. this could still have an unconscious effect on my life
15 I like to longboard. (read all at source)

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Pagan traditions recognized the fish as a feminine symbol of fertility and an attribute of the Goddess. Water is a natural emblem of the flow of the Divine Mother principal, and as such, all creatures of the water (including fish) are aspects of the fertility and power of the female deity. (read all at source)

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Your dreams will be analysed by registered psychologists, John and Mariette Glanville (click here for verification of registration. NB: Where the form asks for Health Profession, select "Psychologist". Where the form asks for Principal Place of Practice, select "Queensland"). (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are denied acceptance to an academy can mean that you feel that you don't fit in with others. A teacher or principal at an academy in a dream can represent authority. The way you react to that person in your dream can tell you something about your feelings about authority. (read all at source)

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Principal-symbolic of authority, 1 Pet. 2:13 NLT
Prison-to dream of being in prison may symbolize not hav�ing any hope or joy in life, Ps. 107:10
Prisoner-symbolic of being bound by depression, anxiety, or sinful habits, Ps. 146:7... (read all at source)

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