Dreaming that you are a politician indicates that you are being deceptive and manipulative. You are trying to persuade others to support your views and ideas. Seeing a politician in your dream, suggests that you need to choose and take a side. (read all at source)
To dream of a politician, denotes displeasing companionships, and incidences where you will lose time and means.
If you engage in political wrangling, it portends that misunderstandings and ill feeling will be shown you by friends.
For a young woman to dream of taking interest in politics, warns her against designing duplicity, (read all at source)
To dream of talking with the President of the United States, denotes that you are interested in affairs of state, and sometimes show a great longing to be a politician.
Crucifixion... (read all at source)
In the media age, dreaming of things political is becoming more frequent. Since we are often exposed to the intimate details of public figures' lives, we feel we know them, even if we only know about them. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Lust for power; expedient; voted in
Popular Expressions: Vote of confidence; Empty vessels make the most noise... (read all at source)
For a woman to dream of a bachelor, interpret love not born of purity. Justice goes awry. Politicians lose honor.
To dream of seeing a nude back, interpret loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. (read all at source)
To dream that you are a politician, indicates that you are being deceptive and manipulative. You are trying to persuade others to support your views and ideas.
To see a politician in your dream, denotes displeasing friends. (read all at source)
Example dream : Politicians and elections in a dream where a symbol for a situation the day before. The dreamer had been interviewed for a job and was told by someone that she had little chance because the panel did not want a pretty young female. (read all at source)
For a man to dream that he is a bachelor, is a warning for him to keep clear of women. For a woman to dream of a bachelor, denotes love not born of purity. Justice goes awry. Politicians lose honor.
See also related symbol: Ideal
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Likewise, those with the blue jay as their totem are quite loquaciousness, and have the gift of gab. Common vocations of those with the blue jay as their totem are sales people, lawyers, politicians, public speakers, and teachers.
Animal symbolism of the blue jay includes:... (read all at source)
If you are a man and dream that you are single relations with the opposite sex is not straightforward. For the next two months you should avoid embarking on a new relationship. This dream can also mean that politicians lose honor in some way.
In your dream you may have. (read all at source)
Not as uncommon as it may seem, a dream of talking with the president of the United States may represent an interest in lofty ideals or political matters, or a strong desire to be a politician.
priest... (read all at source)
information and ideas into the subconscious which can then be processed through the dream's normal system of memory consolidation. Over time these images and suggestions begin to invade our conscious mind. They can be particularly noticeable during dreams. In this way advertisers and politicians... (read all at source)
To dream that you wear a crown, signifies loss of personal property.
To dream of crowning a person, denotes your own worthiness.
To dream of talking with the President of the United States,denotes that you are interested in affairs of state, and sometimesshow a great longing to be a politician. (read all at source)
Politicians represent your guides / guardian angels in a dream. Quite often guides demonstrate to you the way you are in reality. Guides are infallible and incorruptible. (read all at source)
Politicians this dream promises fail at the elections. If the voice that calls you the address, rough and harsh, the trouble will start in 6 days and will last for 6 weeks. (read all at source)
As well known US politician passed me by, I saw a former coworker who works as a janitor. She yelled at the politician asking him why she couldn't join the Administration since she had the skills to be an advisor. (read all at source)
European (Judeo-Christian)
- get paid: carefree existence;
- for politicians: the judgment of God is waiting for you, for your satanic overbearing and self-righteous works are preceded you.
Posted in Actions, Food Tagged D... (read all at source)
Subjects in the free Dream Interpretation Dictionary starting with the letter 'P', such as Partner, Pregnancy, Penitentiary, Prison, Privacy, Priest, Perspiration, Parents, Paralysis and Politician, are covered in this Dream Interpretation section. (read all at source)
Alternatively, it may highlight your fear and nervousness of speaking in public. To hear a speech in your dream, suggests that your inner feelings are being made conscious to those around you. Consider what is said in the speech. If you hear a politician give a speech,... (read all at source)
politicians dream interpretations
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Complete meanings of dream's symbols... (read all at source)
1. Discussing politics with someone of your own gender is an omen of success ahead. However, if the politician in your dream was of the opposite sex, you might be better off changing your course of action, because the present one will lead to nothing. (read all at source)