Then I heard more noise from the other side of the tent, it the was police or law of the island coming to kill me and to subdue the elephant. As they were trying to subdue the elephant, I slipped out the tent door. But I could not go undetected. (read all at source)
Armed police could tap into several concepts and feelings. Armed police do not mess about - they give clear immediate instructions to stop where you are. That could be symbolic of any situation where you felt a similar wish to tell people to stop exactly what they were doing. (read all at source)
police symbol of authority; feeling oppressed; afraid you might be punished for doing something; keeping order; difficulty in keeping a commitment; being reckless. (See cop) How are you guarding yourself? (read all at source)
If you dream the police are arresting you for a crime of which you are innocent, you will successfully win out over your rivals. If you are guilty of the crime in your dream though, it foretells that a season of unfortunate incidents is ahead of you. (read all at source)
If the police are trying to arrest you for some crime of which you are innocent, it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivalry.
If the arrest is just, you will have a season of unfortunate incidents.
To see police on parole, indicates alarming fluctuations in affairs. (read all at source)
Police are guides / angels in a dream. Their presence is a reminder that your guides are aware of everything you do and are there waiting to be asked to help. (read all at source)
Police dreams occur when one aspect of your evolving identity is challenged by the ‘critic’ or the ‘patrolling’ aspect of the psyche. Sometimes the message is important: slow down. (read all at source)
To see the police in your dream, indicates some failure to perform or to honor obligations and commitments. The police also symbolize structure, rules, and control. A more direct interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you should avoid reckless behavior. (read all at source)
A dream that a police officer puts you in handcuffs can mean that you are feeling resentment toward an authority figure.
Dreaming that you are released from handcuffs may be a sign that you have been feeling trapped in a difficult situation, but you think you have found a way to get out of it. (read all at source)
The police catching you doing something against the law can represent:
A feeling or fear of being accused, or of being falsely accused
A need to take more responsibility for yourself and your actions
Feeling that you should be especially mindful of watchful eyes... (read all at source)
Policemen - authority for good or evil; protector; spiritual authority
Prisoner - a lost soul
Shepherd - Jesus Christ; pastor, leader (good or bad); selfless person; protector... (read all at source)
Police. Police in your dream are a symbol of security in your life, and even if your dream involved trouble with them, it is an omen of contrary and signifies that you will get unexpected help with a current problem. (read all at source)
A dream featuring the police may suggest that you are not abiding by the rules in some way, you are being careless or reckless, or you are experiencing some kind ..Read more →
PORCUPINE ... (read all at source)
When you try to call the Police or 911 and you can't get them in your dream that means that people does not understand you. You often find yourself without the ability to express your self in such matter that people will actually know how do you feel.
Find more dreams containing 'phone'... (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Cop out; to be on guard; outlawed
Popular Expressions: Cop it sweet; Someone’s word is law... (read all at source)
People, Characters - Dream Dictionary
In general, the principle of order and control; therefore that part of yourself that is able to bring this about, or seek control or order. (read all at source)
To see the police in your dream, symbolizes structure, rules, power, authority and control.
To dream that you are a police officer, represents your own sense of morality and conscience. Alternatively, the dream indicates your tendency to be in everyone's business and affairs. (read all at source)
Ship To dream of ships, foretells honor and unexpected elevation to ranks above your mode of life. To hear of a shipwreck is ominous of a disastrous turn in affairs. Your female friends will betray you. (read all at source)
Authority figures add sense of protection or rescue. Can also provide sense of impending punishment. (read all at source)
Police 1. the law, especially universal or spiritual laws Cayce (136-29, A-6). 2. that which tries to bring disorder under control Cayce (136-18, A-3). 3. uniformed - spiritual law Cayce (900-115, A-1; 900-220, A-3). 4. (read all at source)
Dream where you strike the eye badge for uniform cap military, police officers, etc. - Is a harbinger of a false alarm. A cap with a trace of roundels that is missing - your enemies zateyut a lawsuit against you, lay claim to part of the property belonging to you. (read all at source)
Police featured in a dream represents rules. When the police are attempting to arrest you for a crime which you are not guilty of then this is a positive dream that you will win against competition. To see police on parole, suggests worrying problems are going to happen soon. (read all at source)
Authority, rules, laws
Punishment or enforcement of laws, or taking responsibility for your actions
Protection or security... (read all at source)
I am a retired New York City Police Officer ,I retired in 2003,went through 911 .But my dream is not about 911,back in 1987 while on patrol 3am in the morning ,my partner and I were flagged down by a woman in the middle of the street . (read all at source)
A policeman personifies that function within the dreamer which regulates and orders things. A traffic policeman in a dream gives guidance in how to adapt to a family or social situation in the world around the dreamer.
Poor... (read all at source)
Police-symbolic of authority, 1 Pet. 2:13 NLT
Polishing-symbolic of preparation and refinement, Ezek. 21:11 NLT
Pollution-symbolic of grievous sins within a nation or a per�son’s life, Ps. 106:38... (read all at source)
Police: See also Guard, Lawyer and Judge: Spiritual authority of the church; Pastor or Elders; protection; natural authority; angels or demons; enforcer of the curse of the law. (Hebrews 1: 7, 14; Luke 12: 11; 22: 25; Ps. 94: 20; 2 Cor. 10: 8; Titus 2: 15; 2 Tim. 1: 12; Eph. (read all at source)
Police officers represent authority; they uphold the law. A dream of police may serve as a warning against breaking the law or bending rules. It might also suggest a fear of punishment. Alternately, the dream may indicate a desire for justice.
pond... (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Dreaming about the police could symbolize many different things, so please consider all of the details carefully. (read all at source)
Pack- If carrying a pack, represents carrying a load, emotional baggage. (read all at source)
The police generally can link to situations of disorder. But disorder in a general sense. That your life becomes chaotic and disordered. Its not really linked to disorder in the sense that laws are broken. (read all at source)
Cop See police More
Construction See build building More
Consciouness See Levels of Awareness; - Levels of the Brain - Life's Little Secrets More... (read all at source)
*Please See Police. (read all at source)
Police A dream involving the police means you feel guilty for not honoring a promise or obligation. If you dream that you are a police officer, this represents your own sense of morality and conscience. Your unconscious mind may be trying to guide you down a straight path. (read all at source)
Journey if by train - In the dream you were picked up by train, announces you a wonderful journey with your closed friends or family members;
Pleasure if from your house by friends - This dream shows that the pleasure is approaching;
Promotion if by police or a public official - The... (read all at source)
released by police from policetation
getting married to someone else rather your husband
objectionably... (read all at source)
astronaut, aviator, bailiff, barnstormer, be master, be responsible for, beadle, beagle, birdman, boatswain, bound bailiff, brigadier, brigadier general, call the signals, carry on, castellan, catchpole, chair, chatelain, chatelaine, chicken colonel, chief engineer, chief mate, chief of police,... (read all at source)
I rang the police to inform them and then followed the plane in my car as not to loose sight of it, so I could tell the police of where it would eventually crash. (read all at source)
Saints and other sacred human figures in our dreams often appear as heralds of benevolence or as the "morality police." While many times these are positive dream experiences, the dreams can also leave a feeling that perhaps you are not doing all you can to be an agent of good in the world. (read all at source)
Law courts or police stations may represent the dreamer's prudence and perspicacity. Industrial buildings such as factories could stand for the imaginative or creative potential of the dreamer; museums represent the past. (read all at source)
Hearing a wailing sound while dreaming foretells fearful news and sorrow. A wail of a police siren denotes minor trouble with the law which involves you or someone close to you. The wails of fire engines and ambulances denote a disaster of major proportions.
Waist... (read all at source)
Also See Bailiff and Police.
To dream of ships, foretells honor and unexpected elevation to ranks above your mode of life. (read all at source)
It's not so much the people that are important in this instance, but the characteristics we associate with them. The appearance of policemen for example, symbolizes protection and security. Dreaming of a judge or justice may signify the onset of a serious argument over a trivial matter. (read all at source)
StrangersThese people in your dream bear no resemblance to anyone you know. They do usually have a stereotypical identity though. For example, the generic character may be a policeman (representing authority), a spy (who is covert), or a gypsy (usually seen as being nomadic). (read all at source)
To dream that you are somebody else is hiding, indicates a need for security and protection. In particular, to dream that you are hiding from some authority figure (police, parents, teacher.), implies feelings of guilt. (read all at source)
My mother and brother had put a snake into my room I then got up and the snake left my room and attacked and killed my brother and mother. I saw his big teeth that bit them. Then I was outside waiting for the police and a snake catcher to arrive they did and blamed me for their deaths. (read all at source)
To imagine that you are elected sheriff or feel interested in the office,denotes that you will participate in some affair which will afford youneither profit nor honor.
To escape arrest, you will be able to further engage in illicit affairs.
- See Bailiff and Police. (read all at source)
The use of the vehicle will give indications of the type of experience being related in the dream message. For instance, an Ambulance will indicate a need for healing in the giving and receiving of experience, a Police Car will signify the need for discipline in experiences. (read all at source)
i had a dream that i was going to walmart, and there was a bunch of ambulances and firetrucks and police cars, i walk up to go into walmart & of course you have to look and see whats going on, i see that a guy that was laying there dead, he had jumped off of the top of walmart, next thing you know,... (read all at source)
*Please See Police.
To see or use a copier in your dream, represents your lack of originality and tendency to copy other's ideas/beliefs. You need to start thinking things through for yourself. Alternatively, it may indicate a desire to spread some idea and circulate the word out. (read all at source)
Police - Dream Symbols
Police are a very powerful force in our society. You can feel anger towards them when they keep you from 'having fun', but you can also feel great gratitude when they keep you safe. (read all at source)