Playing sports dream meaning

Playing Sports
You may feel responsibility for your own success or satisfaction. Many times, entertaining ourselves stems from being neglected by others, so we dream of playing alone and enjoying ourselves in spite of them. (read all at source)

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Playing sports may represent some aspects of the way that we run our lives, or may refer to internal struggles where one part of the dreamer's psyche or personality is attempting to "win" over another. At times life is like a challenging sport. (read all at source)

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Sports-to dream about playing sports can be symbolic of the game of life
Spring (season) symbolic of new life, Zech. 10:1
Spring rain-symbolic of the presence of God, Hosea 6:3... (read all at source)

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Spiritually this dream is often associated with maximizing your best potential in life. Reaching a score through playing sports, or getting an exam grade etc., it generally suggests your waking life is a testing ground to ensure that you can progress in the future. (read all at source)

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The most adequate way to offset the aggression is to create a safety valve. In this role, often playing sports game. Therefore symbolism sports game points directly to an aggressive context. (read all at source)

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