Planet dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a planet, foretells an uncomfortable journey and depressing work.
Planet Elements
Earth, Water, Fire, Air - the elements of a planet, which create wholeness of universe. (read all at source)
Celestial body. Maybe out of harmony with heavenly power.
Plants... (read all at source)
Planet Correspondences in the Tarot
Looking for Something? Search This Site:... (read all at source)
Very recently, I saw that I am at my parents place and something fell from the sky right around my feet and I am telling people around me that it is the Sun surrounded by nine planets. I actually feel it is real although the object which fell was of brass with that kind of a shape. (read all at source)
planet wholeness and awareness; taking in the big picture; ecologically conscious; check out your horoscope. How can you help the planet today?
planetarium some of your ideas are out of this world; stars in your eyes; looking up too long.. Who is accepting make-believe for the real thing? (read all at source)
To see a planet in your dream, signifies creativity, exploration, and new adventures. (read all at source)
Planets. If your dream featured other planets, it suggests a strong desire for adventure and/or change from your present routine which you feel would be unwise; try to resolve the conflict by finding a new extracurricular interest as an outlet for your unsatisfied drive. (read all at source)
Seeing a planet or visiting another planet in a dream may indicate a new adventure, a new way of thinking, or a new dimension of creativity.
plums... (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
Dreaming about planets could represent desire to explore either our internal world or the world of our egos (the external or physical world). Planets could also represent deeper things such as the way that we relate to ourselves. (read all at source)
The actual planets, stars and also constellations are already regarded as good-luck omens considering that the earliest occasions. Having dreams about these signifies the need to manual your personal bundle of money, consequently 'wishing upon any star'. (read all at source)
To look at planets and stars through one, portends for you journeys which will afford you much pleasure, but later cause you much financial loss.
To see a broken telescope, or one not in use, signifies that matters will go out of the ordinary with you, and trouble may be expected.
Tempest... (read all at source)
Saturn is a planet of darkness but lord shani enables a person after passing through odds and hard struggles to see a new light and by dint of that light one makes discoveries of many kinds.
Continue reading Saturn / Lord Shani and Sadhe Satti
Lal Kitab on manglik issues... (read all at source)
We share this planet with a countless number of different species. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if one day we could get some feedback from animals and find out what they think about us?! We imbue animals with human traits. (read all at source)
Earth and the planet Earth symbolize fertility, creativity, order, stability, growth and development. Dreams about earth is often a sign telling us that we should try to understand that it is more to life than just material things. (read all at source)
To dream of the planet Jupiter stands for victory, optimism, generosity, and lavishness. (read all at source)
Motherhood on our planet is as old as life. So it holds in it all that experience, all those patterns of behaviour, whether of the mother wolf with her cubs, or the eagle rearing its young. (read all at source)
The planets - Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus. A baby does not yet have their outlook and behavior-established rhythms of life. (read all at source)
Planchet, Planchette, Planching, Planck, Planck's constant, Planck's law, Planck's radiation law, plane, plane angle, plane figure, plane geometry, plane seat, plane section, plane table, plane ticket, Plane tree, planeness, Plane-parallel, plane-polarized, Planer, Planer tree, Planera, Planet,... (read all at source)
All planets can be symbolic of huge and momentous change. Maybe the moon was a symbol of Islam.
Example dream : A dream where the moon became extremely large linked to the dreamer thinking about nothing but her boyfriend whilst coming home on the bus. (read all at source)
The planet Mercury may be seen as following the Sun (universal father; consciousness; life) and the Moon (universal mother; birth; unconscious). In Greek mythology Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the god of speed. (read all at source)
Because the ancients tied benevolent events with the appearance of this planet - Jupiter has associations with grace, charity and positive or productive expansion. (read all at source)
To dream of flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets; foretells famine, wars, and troubles of all kinds. To dream that you fly with black wings, portends bitter disappointments. To fall while flying, signifies your downfall. (read all at source)
The sun is the life giver for planet earth. Without it life here would not exist and if it were to stop shining tomorrow life on this planet would disappear almost instantly. (read all at source)
Cultural cues for world-ending dreams come out of a collective angst about the frailty of our planet or the human race. Angst is concerned about what might not be, as in radical non-being of the self, planet, etc. These dreams may be triggered in times of global hopelessness and unpredictability. (read all at source)
Discovered in 1856, the planet Neptune (which is named after the Roman god of the sea) is considered the planet of dreams-because, like water, dreams distort and cloud images and meaning. (read all at source)
If you feel yourself drawn up toward the planet, you will develop keen judgment and advance beyond your friends in learning and wealth. (read all at source)
NASA Confirms Extraterrestrial Life DOES Exist On Other Planets
Pentagon Secret - The Anunnaki Are Returning
Awakening the Third Eye - Be Careful What You Wish For... (read all at source)
These memories have become an integral part of every culture on this planet. Historical records and literature are filled with accounts of dreaming, and in every case man has searched for a reason for these phenomena. (read all at source)
Mars To dream of Mars, denotes that your life will be made miserable and hardly worth living by the cruel treatment of friends. Enemies will endeavor to ruin you. If you feel yourself drawn up toward the planet,... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a planet, foretells an uncomfortable journey and depressing work.. (read all at source)