Quick Decode: Fast food; variety; appetite
Popular Expressions: Eat humble pie; Cheese you off; Pie in the sky... (read all at source)
To see or eat pizza in your dream represents abundance, and variety choices.
Plum ... (read all at source)
pizza European descent; Italian ancestry; young food; lots of toppings. Who is acting like a teenager? (read all at source)
Lack of pizzazz or anything interesting in ones life.
The need to be unique. (read all at source)
He says something about Louis and moves a pizza box off of an oven (a whole sale place now comes to mind, as
what the place is) and when he turns around, someone far away throws a pizza at him. Similarly, someone close by, a black woman, throws a pizza at the mans head. He looks stunned. (read all at source)
Cheese cloth, cheese cutter, cheese dip, cheese fondue, cheese pizza, cheese press, cheese rind, cheese sauce, cheese souffle, cheese spread, cheese tray, cheeseboard, cheeseburger, cheesecake, cheesecloth, cheesed off, cheeseflower, Cheeselep, cheeselike, Cheesemonger, cheeseparing, Cheesiness,... (read all at source)
Pizza-a frozen pizza symbolizes unpreparedness
Plague-a symbol of God’s judgment on sin, Ps. 38:11, Rev. 2:23
Plane-this can symbolize a world-wide ministry for a Chris�tian or a fast-paced lifestyle for a non-believer... (read all at source)