Dreaming of a pin can show a desire for recognition or how we are exploring new aspects of the identity. If the pin pricks the skin and draws blood, the dream can be exploring the need to express your feelings. (read all at source)
Bobby Pin
To dream that you are putting your hair up with bobby pins, or to see a bobby pin in your dream, suggests that you are evaluating a new idea, outlook or way of thinking. You may be changing the way you approach your self-image and appearance.
Body... (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are pricked by a pin means a sticky situation or irritating relationship. It may refer to a situation that is falling apart or that is unstable. You may be feeling anxious or feeling the need to hold together a particular relationship. (read all at source)
Once you can pin point this problem is the first step from not having anymore of these dreams and help you better understand your own self. Life is all about working on the problems we have to make us stronger mentally. (read all at source)
The other assistant then came back with my receipt from the chip and pin, but not an itemised one from the till I had asked for specifically.
I asked her again for one and she said no!... (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Safety pin) In a dream, a pin represents miseries and wretchedness. (read all at source)
safety pin joining something; time to do some hemming. What are you pinning your safety on?
sail traveling over some emotional currents; shopping; begin a journey; sailing into someone harshly; feeling tossed around. (See sale) How are you feeling discouraged? (read all at source)
Rolling Pin
To see or use a rolling pin in your dream, represents your creative ability. You are feeling productive and being optimistic. To dream that you are using a rolling pin as a weapon, indicates that you are being too hasty and on the verge of losing your temper. (read all at source)
Pin Cushion
To see or use a pin cushion in your dream, signifies stinging remarks or hurtful comments. You are feeling used and manipulated. Alternatively, you may be trying to harm others with your sharp words and negative attitude.
Pinball... (read all at source)
I dreamt my pin No is 11 and 1 also two equal rows of houses like No 11 what is it meaning
Kat says:... (read all at source)
To see a safety pin in your dream, indicates that a situation is on the verge of falling apart causing much... Continue dream interpretation - Safety Pin"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Saffron... (read all at source)
Changeable and mutable as the wind, the Owl is a tough one to pin down. Warm, natural, with an easy-going nature, the Owl is friend to the world. The bearer of this Native American animal symbol is notorious for engaging in life at full speed, and whole-hearted loves adventure. (read all at source)
Idioms: An ear for; all ears; bend your ear; blow it out your ear; can't believe my ears; cauliflower ear; coming out of our ears; cute as a bugs ear; ear candy; ear to the ground; pin back my ears; in one ear and out the other; play it by ear; reach one's ears; flea/bug in the ear; gain the ear of;... (read all at source)
To see a bent or rusty pin, signifies that you will lose esteem because of your careless ways.
To stick one into your flesh, interpret that some person will irritate you.
Pipe... (read all at source)
Our lives are sometimes so complicated that we many have so many things going on that could fit the theme, our emotions are our best clue to pin pointing the exact application. Emotions are a very good clue to the dream itself. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you have been pricked by a pin or needle can mean that you are in a difficult situation.
See Feeling Bad... (read all at source)
When I do manage to pin him down before he's forgotten his night time adventures, I'm amazed by the variety and detail. I have interesting dreams now and again, but no where near as consistently as he does. (read all at source)
safety pin
A temporary fix or stop-gap measure
A temporary or improvised situation or connection
Babyishness or immaturity... (read all at source)
Breaking a needle, searching for a needle for the purpose of sewing, or seeing a pin cushion with many needles in it indicates needless worry. The energy put into your dream with a needle should be taken as a nudging from your psyche and is not something that you should be very worried about. (read all at source)
To dream of swallowing a pin, denotes that accidents will force you into perilous conditions.
To lose one, implies a petty loss or disagreement.
To see a bent or rusty pin, signifies that you will lose esteem because of your careless ways. (read all at source)
Alternatively, bowling and bowling alleys may also be a metaphor for sexual conquest. The pin deck is symbolic of the womb or vagina (as is with with any dark receptacle like caves, bowls, containers, etc.) The pins and bowling balls, can be viewed as masculine symbols. (read all at source)