Piano dreams by DreamMean
To dream of seeing a piano, denotes some joyful occasion.
To hear sweet and voluptuous harmony from a piano, signals success and health. If discordant music is being played, you will have many exasperating matters to consider. Sad and plaintive music, foretells sorrowful tidings.
To find your piano broken and out of tune, portends dissatisfaction with your own accomplishments and disappointment in the failure of your friends or children to win honors.
To see an old-fashioned piano, denotes that you have, in trying moments, neglected the advices and opportunities of the past, and are warned not to do so again.
For a young woman to dream that she is executing difficult, but entrancing music, she will succeed in winning an indifferent friend to be a most devoted and loyal lover.
Dream Dictionary
To dream of seeing a piano, denotes some joyful occasion. (read all at source)
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piano being played with; culture; sophistication; in harmony; many keys to choose from; a black and white issue. What would the piano in your dream say if it could speak? (read all at source)
You use your hands to make dinner, you use your fingers to write sonnets or paint pictures or draw little hearts by the name of your sweetheart. Your fingers play the piano, they create pottery vases, they steer the car that takes you where you want to go. (read all at source)
To find your piano broken and out of tune, portends dissatisfaction with your own accomplishments and disappointment in the failure of your friends or children to win honors. (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation Piano
To dream of seeing a piano, denotes some joyful occasion.
To hear sweet and voluptuous harmony from a piano, signals success and health. If discordant music is being played, you might have many exasperating matters to consider. (read all at source)
To dream of seeing a piano, interpret some joyful occasion.
To hear sweet and voluptuous harmony from a piano, signals success and health. If discordant music is being played, you will have many exasperating matters to consider. Sad and plaintive music, foretells sorrowful tidings. (read all at source)
The piano, as a musical instrument can appear in dreams when you are becoming more free in expressing your passion. It embodies the idea of harmony and how and where it appears can describe where balance needs to be achieved. (read all at source)
Music in general represents joyous or festive feelings. Note the condition and type of music coming from the piano. A broken piano symbolizes a need to reconnect with your creative, joyful side and to express all the aspects of who you are.
pill... (read all at source)
Piano- Harmony, balance in your life; creative expression.
Picnic- Expressing your emotions; spreading out your emotional ideas.
Pier- Surveying emotional waters. (read all at source)
Example dream : A piano dream was linked to the dreamer trying to sit down and concentrate on her college project. The piano was symbolic of doing something on her own in harmony. (read all at source)
' There was an upright piano next to me, to the right of the bed by the window. I got out of bed, sat at the piano, found G, found F sharp minor 7th -- and that leads you through then to B to E minor, and finally back to E. It all leads forward logically. (read all at source)
For example, some people can perform amazing physical feats, such as piercing their body with skewers or hanging by piano wires threaded through their bones, yet they apparently feel no pain. (read all at source)
Hesays that sometimes there's objects in the ‘void,' such as once, an "odd, sort of distorted grand piano." He says it's a bit creepy, but not normally scary. (read all at source)
Example: I crept about obviously and the audience loved it. The piano guy isn't too happy as he is getting blown up. I realize the play is reaching its finale and I was disappointed that I'd have to take my curtain call in the unflattering guise of a spy and villain instead of the lovely bride. (read all at source)
This little alcove had red carpet, and a white upright piano against the same wall as the door to the ballroom. The effect of the sun behind the blinds and the red carpet gave the room a rich golden and orange hued glow. (read all at source)
Concerned, Concernedly, Concerning, concert, concert band, concert dance, concert grand, concert hall, Concert of Europe, Concert of the powers, concert piano, concert pitch, Concert/C, Concertante, Concertation, Concertative, concerted, concerted evolution, concerted music, concert-goer, concertina,... (read all at source)
To play the violin means you will have to confront a compromising and complicated situation, but you will likely succeed. The sound of a fiddle means sadness because of bad news. A band using a piano is a sign that you tend to take risks and you have gained some financial success from this. (read all at source)
See subtle artistic fingers strumming a guitar or piano fluttering on the keys - the pursuit of dubious entertainment will lead you to sin. Thick as sausages, fingers - come across a lack of understanding of the interlocutor, to which do not reach the basic things. (read all at source)
A piano, like any musical instrument, symbolizes that you are a channel / medium. You can communicate with spirits.
Pier... (read all at source)