Dreaming that you have a phobia could mean you're feeling afraid of something in the dream or in your real life. For more clues about meaning, look at the reasons behind the fear.
See also: feeling... (read all at source)
To dream that you are afflicted with hydrophobia, denotes enemies and change of business.
Hydrophobia... (read all at source)
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You encounter the spider in an elevator (maybe a touch of claustrophobia here?), where it sits above the door. It could strike at anyone entering or leaving, but doesn't. This tells me that you are afraid of something that might happen, but hasn't yet. (read all at source)
DREAM DICTIONARY - Claustrophobia :
wishing for anonymity, rushing, imagined, pounding, protecting, close quarters, nausea, perspiration, noisy, whispering, silence, scream, struggle, suddenly, dreaded, barking, heart beating, hand-to-hand, enemies, endless... (read all at source)
To dream that you are afflicted with hydrophobia, denotes enemies and change of business.
To see others thus afflicted, your work will be interrupted by death or ungrateful dependence. (read all at source)
Acrophobia If being afraid of heights - The dream about fear of heights can be induced by acrophobia from waking life. Very often our brain recreates such scenarios, in which we can relive true feelings without real danger to us. (read all at source)
People, Characters - Dream Dictionary
The appearance and particularly the fear of a person from a foreign country or culture often represents something that you fear in your own subconcious mind. (read all at source)
Hydrophobia :
If you had hydrophobia does this either symbolize enemies or a new job. Others with hydrophobia symbolize ungratefulness. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are afflicted with hydrophobia, denotes enemies and change of business. To see others thus afflicted, your work will be interrupted by death or ungrateful dependence. (read all at source)
To dream that you are afflicted with hydrophobia, denotes enemies and change of business.
To see others thus afflicted, your work will be interrupted by death or ungrateful dependence. (read all at source)
To dream that you have claustrophobia suggests that you are experiencing feeling of guilt. You fear that you will be punished for your past actions.
Claws... (read all at source)
To dream that you have claustrophobia, suggests feeling of self-guilt. You fear that you will be punished for your past's actions. (read all at source)
Agoraphobia is a fear of being outside in a public place. If you do not suffer from agoraphobia in waking life, but suddenly experience an attack of agoraphobia in a dream, it can be a sign that something is making you feel vulnerable. (read all at source)
Claustrophobia - Close-in {unconscious} feelings of guilt. Actual fear of closed in places.
Claw - Feelings of vulnerability. An inability to hold onto things that you feel important. (read all at source)
see also: phobia apology trembling gratitude helpless or vulnerable enemy (against) for (to support) emotional hurt envy forgiveness touching unfeeling
categories: Emotions
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
When fear turns into a phobia it becomes irrational, and at this point it is strongly recommended that a person seek professional help. I believe that living out our worst fears in our dreams is very healthy. (read all at source)
abhor, abhorrence, abominate, abomination, Anglophobia, angst, anguish, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, anti-Semitism, anxiety, aversion, bad books, be hostile to, bigotry, boredom, cheerlessness, contemn, contempt, deprecation, despise, despitefulness, detest, detestation, disaffection,... (read all at source)
THE REALITY The dreamer was receiving therapy to help overcome strong phobias and paranoia. He was very scared in many social situations. The day before he saw his therapist and immediately after leaving he set about a task which he had been putting off. (read all at source)
Connecting this with the animals we dream about, waking animal phobias, unless rooted in an actual encounter with an animal - for instance being bitten by a dog - may still represent our personal struggle with and fear of our own instinctive reactions and feelings. (read all at source)
Of course, discretion is not canceled, but if you surrender to the mercy of his phobias and anxieties, the happiness you just never wait. (read all at source)
To dream that you have a phobia, suggests that you need to confront your fears. Do not let your fears control... Continue dream interpretation - Phobia"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Phosphorus... (read all at source)
A love of snakes is called ophiophilia, a fear of snakes is called ophidiophobia (or snakephobia). A specialist in snakes is an ophiologist. An old synonym for snake is serpent; in modern usage this usually refers to a mythic or symbolic snake. (read all at source)
This phobia may subconsciously embody itself in your dream and thus serves as a vital component of dealing with and surpassing losing someone you cared about. Struggles from your youth or uncertain emotions could also be the cause of this dreams' appearance. (read all at source)
The Shadow - This archetype represents the dark (e.g. "evil) figure within dreams and is indicative of the dreamer's fears and phobias within their unconscious. Often the shadow is symbolised by danger (e.g. vicious animals, violence, and aggression). (read all at source)
To dream that you have claustrophobia, suggests feeling of self-guilt. You fear that you will be punished for your past's actions.
Claws... (read all at source)
cube feeling boxed in; claustrophobia; someone is a 'real square'. Who is getting diced?
cuckoo clock a reminder that time is going by; get on with it. Who is acting silly? (read all at source)
However, if the dreamer is afraid of spiders in his/her waking life, a dream of spiders has a different meaning: he/she needs to come to terms with and overcome this phobia. According to dreammoods. (read all at source)