To see petals in your dream, indicates a broken relationship or a rift in a friendship. It also represents regret and guilt. (read all at source)
Seeing petals in your dream indicates a broken relationship or a rift in a friendship. It also represents regret and guilt. (read all at source)
The outer circle contains lotus petals symbolizing the divine within, with feathers in between symbolizing courage. The next circle comprises twelve block prints inspired by earlier dreams. Then come seventy question marks, signifying the seventy theme cards. (read all at source)
Lilac - If you dream you are holding a bouquet of lilac and look for a flower with five petals, it's a good sign: in reality you are ready for a change in his personal life, and after 5 days the first of them will finally happen. (read all at source)
Creation, confident of her power to perfect her designs, does not resort to that monotony in her work, which might result were the perception of man, or the petals and fragrance of flowers cast from one stereotyped mold of intelligence, beauty or sweetness. (read all at source)
My penis felt like it was penetrating petals of flesh and touching with great pleasure a central receptive area. It was relaxed, easy and satisfying like the first two times. I was left with the feeling of being able to make love again and again without any negative effects. (read all at source)
Rose oil or attar which is made from the petals of damask roses in a dream means intelligence, clarity of mind, a friendly and a gentle person. (read all at source)
Sighting their bright petals in the snow is a picture of hope, inspiration and promise. Spring is not far when the Violets come to call. The Violet is a symbol of the ancient city of Athens. (read all at source)