A pentagram in a dream represents that you are confident and happy. Usually seeing a pentagram denotes a gain ahead.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of pentagram.
Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Enlightened... (read all at source)
The pentagram is the sign of Venus (the planet) because of its orbit pattern. In the span of time it takes to come full circle of her trajectory (four years), her path traces the outline of the five-pointed star. This gives further fuel to the pentagram as a symbol of harmony, love and perfect union. (read all at source)
To see a pentagram in your dream, represents the connection of your spirit to the earth, air, fire, and water. These elements contribute to various aspect of your well-being. It signifies protection. To see an inverted pentagram, signifies conflict, negativity and aggression. (read all at source)
Penny- symbolic of giving out of poverty, Mk. 12:42
Pentagram- symbolic of Occult influences
Perfume-the smell of perfume in a dream is a symbol of the fragrant presence of Christ, Song. 3:6
Peroxide-symbolic of the healing process... (read all at source)
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
Tarot Cards - Reading Tarot Cards
The Pentagram Tarot Spread
The Pentagram Tarot Spread
Tarot Card Spreads... (read all at source)
You should trust your inner feelings. The person has five senses and shaped with stretched arms and legs as a pentagon. That's how it can be explained why a Pentagon, a five-pointed star or a Pentagram in the Numerology, pointed out on the natural human. (read all at source)
It also unites all the previous numbers as in 1+4 and 2+3. It speaks to the five senses, and with the Celts, it was frequently seen in the pentagram or the pentacle and spoke to the mystical and used as a magical tool to keep evil away. (read all at source)
pentagram a symbol of harmony; health and mystic powers; with one point up and two down, it is the sign of 'white magic'; with two points up, indicating the devil's horns, it is the sign of evil. What significance does five have in your life? (read all at source)
To see a pentagram in your dream, represents the connection of your spirit to the earth, air, fire, and water. These... Continue dream interpretation - Pentagram"continue dream interpretation
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Apples: Due to the well-known association of an apple with original sin, dreams of apples represent temptation. Apples caution us not to be ruled by our libido. Apples are also considered to be magical in a dream because of the five pointed stars (pentagrams used by witches) you see when you cut... (read all at source)