To dream that you are peeling something, represents the shedding away of old ways, habits and conditions. It may also mean that you are finally getting rid of and discarding unneeded exterior pretences. (read all at source)
Disappointment if peel an apple - When you peel an apple in a dream, this denotes that you are disappointed of your hope and expectation, but your courage will help you to handle with all the problems. You will reach what you desire;... (read all at source)
peel stripping away the outer layer of an issue; settling for the covering without going deeper. Who is focusing too much on their outer appearance but not paying attention to their beautiful inner qualities? (read all at source)
(Peel) In a dream, skinning an animal represents an unjust ruler, a tyrant, an oppressor, a policeman who takes people's money and disappears, or a policeman who can be bribed..
Shedding one's skin
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren... (read all at source)
hollo, hooker, hoot, howl, howling, hulk, hull, hurrah, hurt, husk, incise, injure, jacket, keel, keen, lacerate, leviathan, lilt, low, maim, make mincemeat of, mating call, maul, meow, mew, mewl, miaow, moo, mumble, murmur, mutilate, mutter, neigh, nicker, note, packet, palea, pant, pare, peel,... (read all at source)
As a symbol of nourishment, it suggests how you need only peel away your outer covering (clothes) to get at the fruit within. Most food symbols portray the idea of how you are seeking more fulfillment (nourishment) in what you are doing. (read all at source)
Protection, as the banana peel perfectly protects and fits the banana. Sweetness. The "fruit of your labor" or energy invested for long-term gain. A tropical or exotic setting. Physical, mental, or emotional nourishment.
see also: food
categories: Objects... (read all at source)
To slip on an orange peel, foretells the death of a relative.
To buy oranges at your wife's solicitation, and she eats them, interpret that unpleasant complications will resolve themselves into profit.
Orang-Utang... (read all at source)
Occasionally, my gums even begin to peel off. I have had this dream at least 1-2 times a month for over 7 years. I always wake up suddenly and the first thing I do is touch my teeth with my tongue to make sure they're still there. (read all at source)
If she dreams of seeing a fine one pitched up high, she will be discreet in choosing a husband from many lovers.
To slip on an orange peel, foretells the loss of a relative. (read all at source)
It gives one an understanding of how we are all made of the same basic stuff and we are all connected to the same energy flow. This understanding helps to peel away exterior facades people have and see through into their essence and once that is achieved, a fellow soul is recognized. (read all at source)
A peel removed from a fruit or vegetable might represent:
Something cast aside or viewed as unuseful or secondary
A covering that has been removed, revealing what's inside... (read all at source)
If your dream of a large number of lemon peel, it promises to get you in trouble. To avoid them (and you still have a chance), you have to overcome your own fears: has long been observed that has a habit of happening is what we fear most. (read all at source)
I can hear the otherworldly trumpeting of the Daffodil, and its sonic-booms peel away the aging paint of my consciousness. Meaning, the spiritual symbolism of the Daffodil is so clear, so bright, that it blasts away illusion - and it does this with simple, childlike honesty and love. (read all at source)