Jagged Peak
In general:
Jagged peak has sometimes the same significance as the letter Z. He can also point to obstacles or wrong ways in life, or announce a failure, one has to blame. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Peak
Greatest development. Success. Ambition. Ready to reach that point.... Continue dream interpretation - Peak"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Pearl... (read all at source)
peak reaching a goal; getting all you desire; the climax to a long period of struggling; having a peek at something; someone who wears a peaked cap. (See peek) What are you working toward that seems a long way off? (read all at source)
Greatest development. Success. Ambition. Ready to reach that point.
Pearl... (read all at source)
At the peak of a mountain, the cliff is often associated with danger or not trusting your steps, which may lead to peril. Looking over the cliff, you cannot see clearly what is below and so, the cliff can represent a threshold or boundary as you move toward something new. (read all at source)
altitude peak, automatic control, backfire, balefire, beacon, beacon fire, blast-off, blaze, bonfire, burn, burning ghat, burnout, campfire, ceiling, cheerful fire, combustion, conflagration, corposant, cozy fire, crackling fire, crematory, death fire, descent, end of burning, fen fire, fire, firing,... (read all at source)
To dream that you are at the peak of a mountain, symbolizes your success and achievements. You will go far in your life. The dream may also be a pun on "peek". Perhaps you saw something that you should not have or you are curious about something.
Peanut Butter... (read all at source)
It symbolizes the highest peak of pleasure, that is, an orgasm. So, if you dreamed you cut a watermelon, so in real life you rarely reaches the peak, and a real pleasure from sex is not available to you. Often have to pretend not to disappoint partner. Your guilt is happening there. (read all at source)
Together, all three energies form to create an ascension (the peak). This peak of the triangle represents the accomplishment of harmonic stasis. Kind of like climbing a mountain - it takes determination, preparation, will - and of course - the watchword here - balance. (read all at source)
Not now, but at the peak of my experiences, I had been using cocaine recreationally about two times a week for that month. I was frightened by my shaking bed and the sucking sounds, and the cocaine made it possible (temporarily) to not feel the need to sleep or submit myself to those conditions. (read all at source)
The sight of a thigh in your dreams symbolizes that your state of mind is at its peak and you want to emotional release at the earliest. (read all at source)
In a dream, a golf bag represents the keeper of one's secrets, or it could represent one's mistress. If any of its contents are exposed, or if they peak from its opening end in the dream, it means divulging one's secrets. (read all at source)
If the dream applies to a mechanic shop, it implies we may require some form of tune-up to get us operating at peak performance.
Garbage ... (read all at source)
Flowers represent your own unfolding, so think about what in your life is flowering, blooming, or past its peak. The type of flower will also have particular associations. Think about the color and type of flower and the connotations you have to determine what the dream's message is for you. (read all at source)