a naked pastor dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
priest: (minister, pastor, rabbi, imam, etc.) The spiritual side of self. A nonsexual relationship. This image can also have some very strong symbolic meanings depending on your experiences with priests.
prison: Forced limitations. Punishment. Being controlled by
another person. (read all at source)
I am not a Pastor, a Rev, Elder or a Deacon. I am not providing any type of medical advice. I am merely giving back the things I have learned from life, in dreams and the word of God, and the Holy Bible. I am just one part of the church, with a gift from God. (read all at source)
Shepherd - Jesus Christ; pastor, leader (good or bad); selfless person; protector
Twins - Positive: double blessing or anointing; Negative: double trouble... (read all at source)
PASTOR (See: Man)
PATH (See: Door, Train)
PEOPLE (See: Aliens, Ancestor, Uncle, Black, Daughter, Father, Grandparents, Husband, Mother, Siblings, Wife)... (read all at source)
At that time the pastor who showed the film opened the front door to the building and an elephant came inside. The elephant had about half of it's skin missing. The rest of it's body was pink and covered with yellow blisters. (read all at source)
numeric data, occupation, octal system, open space, opera, operate, operation, operations, opus, original, oscillograph data, output data, output quantity, overact, pageant, panel show, panic, pantomime, paper, parchment, parlay, participate, participate in, pass, pass for, Passion play, pastoral,... (read all at source)
In Chicago, the Lord appeared to me in the middle of a service while preaching at Pastor Samantha Bynum's church and said these words to me, 'David, I'm about to walk the streets of Chicago and prepare this city for a move of God.' Then He continued, 'At the appointed time I will send you back. (read all at source)
my dream was kinda of the sort , I suppose , it started off somewhat joyous , sitting at a table with a few friends who are still alive yet a pastor comes to me and asks to borrow something I was using which was a mini mouse to a laptop I was currently on at the table with friends ,... (read all at source)
When I was younger my mom had actually got my pastor Uncle to bless my room because of these feelings. I was convinced that I had actually seen some one who was not of this world and this really upset my mom who is a very religious person. (read all at source)
Shepherd-this is a reference to Christ or a pastor, Ps. 23:1
Shield-symbolizes faith in Christ and God's faithfulness to His servants, Eph. 6:16, Ps. 28:7. A small shield is symbolic of God’s arsenal of weapons against His enemies, Ps. 35:2... (read all at source)
Daphnis in Gr. mythology, a shepherd who was struck with blindness for his infidelity; he consoled himself by inventing and writing pastoral poetry. Who has been writing poetry lately? (read all at source)
Rector of the cathedral - peaceful life. Bishop - reconciliation with the person that was a misunderstanding. Archbishop see - danger to life. Cardinal Pope - fortunately. Pastor - the need for someone to speak out, pour out his heart. (read all at source)
I came across a railway and saw my pastor's truck and called him to help. I saw the wife came out of the truck but did not respond to my call. So I kept on running and found myself came back to the house that I started from. (read all at source)
It may be time for you to overcome your anxiety and experience life directly rather than watching it go by. If the converse is true, and a pastoral window scene yields a troubled reality, you may feel as though life is deceptive in some area. (read all at source)