Password dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a password, foretells you will have influential aid in some slight trouble soon to attack you. For a woman to dream that she has given away the password, signifies she will endanger her own standing through seeking frivolous or illicit desires.
Access or entrance
Secret code
Protection or security
Point or area of vulnerability
A test for whether a person is allowed into a group, restricted area, area of knowledge, etc.
A test or verification of one's identity... (read all at source)
see also: passageway or hall knocking hearing a knock password doormat doorbell doorknob keys hole open knob revolving door gatekeeper room locked enter (go into) locking lock black hole faucet valve
categories: Objects
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Convenient; passwords; stored knowledge
Popular Expressions: A chip off the old block; To pick someone’s brain
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
Create new account
Request new password
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master key, measure, mediant, metaphrase, middle, middlemost, midmost, minor, mood, mouthpiece, multiplex telegraphy, natural color, necessary, new philharmonic pitch, news ticker, note, occlude, oceanic island, omphalic, open sesame, opener, padlock, pallor, paraphrase, passkey, password,... (read all at source)
Dreams of passwords show that your guides are trying to point out to you certain things so that you can attempt to begin to make the changes that you need in order to not get too caught up putting up a front and pretending you are someone that you are not. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a password, foretells you will have influential aid in some slight trouble soon to attack you. (read all at source)