To see a passport in your dream, signifies your identity and your ability to traverse various situations. You may go through a period of finding yourself and discovering who you are. (read all at source)
Permission from an authority figure
Permission to "come and go" as you please, or access different areas, topics of conversations, roles, aspects of your life
Giving yourself permission to do something specific or feel a particular way... (read all at source)
Passport- Ticket to freedom.
Pastries - Too much of a good thing. Over-indulgence.
Path- Your direction in life; are you taking a path created by someone else or taking a path never taking before, your true path? (read all at source)
Often these dreams show what is holding you back from the new project. For example, to dream of your partner forgetting your passport for the flight signifies there are problems in your relationship and you are blaming this for not getting the new project off the ground. (read all at source)
you receive a warm welcome into any society, foretells that you will become distinguished among your acquaintances and will have deference shown you by strangers. Your fortune will approximate anticipation. To accord others welcome, denotes your congeniality and warm nature will be your passport... (read all at source)
Lost your passport right before getting to the airport, showing your fear of travel and of having other aspects of life stopping you from being able to do what you want.
Found your Passport picture with someone else's name on it.
Had to go get a new passport but couldn't afford it. (read all at source)
Passport-symbolic of international travel
Pastries-symbolic of gossip, Prov. 18:8
Pasture-symbolic of peace in life, Ps. 95:7... (read all at source)
passport or driver's license: Your identity and freedom of
movement. A passport might also indicate your desire to explore
something or to have an adventure. (read all at source)
Quick Decode: Freedom; rite of entry; identification
Popular Expressions: It’s your passport to freedom; Show your true colours... (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Passport
Identity. Traveling abroad. Looking to expand and explore.... Continue dream interpretation - Passport"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Password... (read all at source)
passport taking a holiday in a different country; needing legal permission to go somewhere; going past a port. Who is permitting you to go, or stay?
pastry abundance; riches; luxuries; a tart; not taken seriously. How can you indulge yourself in a few luxuries? (read all at source)
Identity. Traveling abroad. Looking to expand and explore.
Path... (read all at source)
see also: liking decision (by someone else) decision (yours) good passport permit advice or opinion
categories: Attribute Emotions
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
Hero Heroine
There can be several felt associations with Christ or Jesus. The first might be whatever you feel about organised religion. In this sense Christ could depict the forces in you that create moral pressure from the norm lived by society. (read all at source)
Of course fakes can link to false papers and passports. If false passports or conterfeited documents have been on your mind then surely the dream could link to that. So if you are wanting a false I.D. so you can gain entry to a bar then the dream could be about that. Not all faking is bad at heart. (read all at source)
To accord others welcome, denotes your congeniality and warm nature will be your passport into pleasures, or any other desired place.
Welsh Rarebits... (read all at source)
A dream with a passport implies that you are looking for permission or acceptance in some part of your life, you have identity or self-esteem issues, or you are seeking travel or ..Read more →
PAST ... (read all at source)